My Maine Coon won’t stop meowing, what should I do? This is something many Maine Coon cat owners asked in their life.
If you’ve been curious about this for a while, make sure you keep reading to learn the top 15 causes of your Maine Coon’s constant meowing.
Maine Coons tend to be vocal when it comes to their needs. Instead of meowing often, they chirp and trill to attract an owner’s attention.
A variety of Maine Coon sounds are used by these highly intelligent felines to express their needs. A Maine Coon, however, will meow excessively if they are taught like that, uncomfortable, lonely, or hungry. Demented old Maine Coons frequently meow.
Have you ever had the impression that your Maine Coon won’t stop meowing at you? If this sounds familiar, make sure you have satisfied all of your Maine Coon’s physical, social, and mental needs by going through the list of possible causes we have provided below.
Although the Maine Coon cat breed is well known for being talkative, it is not their trait to meow continuously.
15 Reasons Why Your Maine Coon Won’t Stop Meowing
This cat breed doesn’t meow. Instead, this large cat breed will occasionally chirp and trill excessively at its owners.
You’ll eventually begin to understand the specific needs and requirements of your individual Maine Coon. Determine why your Maine Coon meows so much by using our straightforward tips and advice as a guide for your thinking.
Why Is My Maine Coon So Vocal?
Cats are typically known for having independent, aloof personalities and only asking for an owner’s attention when they feel like it.
Meowing is typically a sign that a cat wants something. They are not regarded as high-maintenance pets because they typically enjoy keeping themselves occupied both during the day and at night.
You are in for a surprise if this is how you envision owning a Maine Coon cat because this breed is very different from other cat breeds. To begin with, the Maine Coon has behaviors that are very doglike, and as a breed, they demand a lot of attention in addition to excessive meowing.
Keep reading to understand more about the Maine Coon cat breed, especially if you are an owner of one, then it is a must.
1. Your Maine Coon Might Be Bored

As we all already know, Maine Coon cats are highly sociable felines that require a huge amount of attention and love from their favorite hoomans.
They will want to sit next to you and observe what you do, so you don’t have to constantly amuse them with games or other activities.
Since it keeps them from getting bored and possibly mischievous, these curious cats enjoy being a part of the action. That can lead to them meowing so loud that you are made to open the door of the room you’re in.
This cat breed will require a lot of mental stimulation every day since it is a highly intelligent breed. You need to know how to handle it if you want to be a Maine Coon cat owner.
In order to provide mental stimulation and play for the Maine Coon when you don’t have the time to play with it, you should purchase a good cat tree. We can offer 7 Best Cat Trees That Look Like Real Trees!
2. Maine Coon’s Food Bowl Is Empty
When they are hungry, oh, you’ll hear them. Therefore, it would be a good idea to make sure your Maine Coon has enough food if you notice that it is constantly meowing at you. Cats, like any human being, can get tired of eating the same cat food brands, especially if you don’t mix wet and dry cat food.
Therefore, be sure to regularly switch between their dry and wet food so that they have variety at mealtimes. Due to their obligate carnivorous nature, Maine Coons should only consume diets high in protein and low in carbohydrates, like those found in these dry cat foods.
If you are opening a tasty can of tuna fish for your Maine Coon, you may notice that they meow repeatedly while you are preparing their meal.
Don’t stress much about your Maine Coon meows, your cat’s excitement is uncontrollable due to how amazing the food smells to their senses.
Check out our Maine Coon feeding chart to learn how much food you need to provide for your feline friend.
3. Your Maine Coon Might Be Thirsty

To stay hydrated, Maine Coons regularly consume large amounts of water. Make sure their water bowl is full and clean if your Maine Coon is making you crazy with excessive meowing.
This is a straightforward but crucial point to take into account because dehydration in cats can be extremely dangerous. If you want to make sure that your Maine Coon cat always has fresh water, you should consider getting a cat water fountain that can hold huge amounts of food.
This is a great alternative because you’ll be required to fill it out only once a day. Because they are picky drinkers, Maine Coons will first pat the water in their bowls before consuming it. They naturally do this to get rid of any debris that has accumulated on top of their water.
Because water will splash everywhere, owners should make sure the bowl is placed on a waterproof surface. Maine Coons will be fascinated by the water in their water bowls, but also they find swimming pools, puddles, faucets, and baths quite amusing.
RELATED: Why Does My Cat Sit By The Water Bowl?
4. Your Maine Coon Might Be Lonely
Maine Coons enjoy company, which explains why it’s common to see them tagging along behind their owners around the house. They’ll probably converse with their owners as they move around as if they were actually speaking to you!
These sharp-witted and inquisitive cats simply want to know what you are doing because they find your actions to be fascinating.
Most of the time, Maine Coons’ repetitive chirps and trills are just your cats talking to you. If the owner is absent, it is likely that your cat feels lonely.
Loneliness is extremely harmful to your cat’s physical and mental health and can harm your Maine Coon permanently. This is because this breed is by nature very social and struggles greatly with loneliness.
Therefore, a lonely Maine Coon may scream nonstop until their owners pay attention to them. The Maine Coon is a dog-like breed that closely relates to a pack mentality and is happiest when with its family.
So, it would be wise to think about getting a second Maine Coon if you are working all day so that you can keep your feline friend happy and satisfied.
RELATED: Why Do Cats Meow In Another Room?
5. Your Maine Coon Wants Attention
This cat breed is not known to be demanding, quite the opposite, they can easily be by themselves and enjoy the life they have been given. However, some Maine Coons tend to be a bit clingy and require all of their time to be spent with their favorite people.
Observe their types of meowing. As an alternative, they will contentedly sit next to you while you work, watching your every move or even dozing off. But sometimes, you will catch your Maine Coon continuously meowing at you.
If you recognize this, your Maine Coon is looking for attention and won’t take “no” for an answer. They feel that since they have been patiently waiting all day to watch you work, it is time for an owner to give them their full attention.
Don’t forget to simply put your Maine Coon in your lap and pet them, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Your Maine Coon will become closer to you as a result, and he or she will stop meowing nonstop.
6. Your Maine Coon Needs To Be Spayed Or Neutered

If you own a non-spayed or non-neutered Maine Coon cat it is easy to determine why they have been meowing excessively.
The sexual maturity of Maine Coons occurs between when they are 5 to 8 months old. Owners of unneutered Maine Coons will likely observe the following cat behavior at this point:
Non-Neutered Male Maine Coon
• Grows extremely territorial.
• Your house will be covered in cat urine.
• Fight with other male cats.
• If not able to breed, will display signs of stress.
• If they notice a non-neutered female fact somewhere around them nearby, male Maine Coons may meow in order to give a call and for female cats to notice them.
• Surround females in heat.
Even though your kitten may still seem quite young to you, owners of Maine Coons who do not intend to breed their animals should speak with a veterinary professional to make arrangements for their cat’s neutering.
If you don’t do this in time, a male Maine Coon might continue to spray your house because the habit has been formed.
Non-Neutered Female Maine Coon
• Howling and yowling repeatedly for up to 7 days
• Increased meows from Maine Coons
• Territorial
• Restless
• Either unusually aggressive or more affectionate
• More frequent urination
• Female cats in a fight
• Will want to go outside so that she can be impregnated by male cats.
• Rolls around the floor and makes affectionate gestures toward both male cats and people.
• The female cat will shake her behind and tilt her tail to one side when she is in heat so that a male cat can fertilize her. She may also be seen massaging her back paws while she waits for the male.
• Your Maine Coon may discharge during the estrus stage, though this is frequently not noticed because cats regularly groom themselves.
Read Also: 5 Reasons My Cat Keeps Meowing And Rubbing Against Everything
7. Your Maine Coon Might Want To Go Outside
Even though Maine Coon cats are a truly smart cat breed, they didn’t quite figure out how to open the door to the outside world. As a result, some Maine Coons will meow continuously until the owner opens the door when they want to go outside.
If you want to give your Maine Coon indoor cat access to the world outside, you might consider getting a cat flap with a microchip in your glass window or door.
8. Your Maine Coon Meow So Much Because Wants A Playtime
This energetic breed, with a personality of a playful kitten, adores playing—either by themselves, with other house pets, or with their human families.
Maine Coon cats are not typical cat breeds, they will want to play even when they’re adults. So when your Maine Coon cat meows, he probably just wants their favorite human being to enjoy some playtime with.
Therefore, take a break from what you’re doing and devote at least 5 to 10 minutes of playtime and undivided attention to your Maine Coon.
Your Maine Coon will be quite satisfied since they get what they excessively meowed about, and it will probably exhaust them to the extent that they won’t have the energy to meow for a few hours.
9. Your Maine Coon Wants A Treat

You are probably aware that the Maine Coon cat breed is not ordinary in any way. Their intelligence is truly remarkable. They quickly pick up on their human’s daily routines, including when you wake up and when you go to bed.
They also quickly pick up on how and when to get treats, which is another trait! Maine Coons never forget what time of day their owners have been feeding them their favorite treats. That can lead to continuous meowing until they get what they want.
That’s why you should feel free to treat your Maine Coon with delicious treats a few times in a day. As a result, your Maine Coon will be less likely to meow all day long in order to get treats.
10. Your Maine Coon Misses You
Maine Coons are able to recognize the various times of day and quickly pick up on their owners’ daily routines, such as when they will sit down and unwind in the evening.
So, if you have to stay late at work one night and haven’t had time to relax and watch TV with your Maine Coon, your cat will probably come looking for you. Encourage your Maine Coon to sit down next to you while you finish any late-night work you have to do at home.
11. Your Maine Coon cat Might Have Some Health Issues
If a Maine Coon is in pain or has an undiagnosed medical condition, such as periodontal disease, it will meow a lot more than usual.
Since cats can’t communicate with their owners and express their feelings, their repeated Maine Coon meows may be a sign that something is wrong.
Owners should always be on the lookout for changes in the behavior and sounds of their Maine Coons, especially if the cat is getting older. Ask a veterinarian to examine your Maine Coon cat right away if you think there might be a problem. It is always better to prevent it than treat it.
RELATED: Maine Coon Growth Chart – What To Know So Maine Coon Could Grow
12. Your Maine Coon Cat Might Be Stressed

Cats experience stress or annoyance for a variety of reasons. While some factors are straightforward to predict, occasionally our cat may experience stress due to issues that we wouldn’t even consider to be a problem.
A Maine Coon cat may be stressed and show it through excessive meowing, however, cats are great when they need to hide any kind of pain or discomfort.
Giving your pet lots of love and attention is the best way to soothe a stressed Maine Coon. Give them lots of hugs to reassure them that you are still there for them.
If you know for a fact that some changes are going to happen in your household, you need to spend more time with your dear feline friend in order to make their transition easier. This is essential considering the fact that all cats are creatures of habit.
13. Your Maine Coon Is Aging
As sad as it is, older Maine Coons are more likely than younger ones to experience mental health problems. This frequently manifests as confusion and disorientation, which understandably leads to a cat acting upset and distressed.
Some Maine Coon cat owners reported that their female Maine coon and their old male cat meow more at night time. That could indicate that they are confusing daytime with nighttime or vice versa.
14. Your Maine Coon Meows Can Be Taught
For your Maine Coon cat’s constant meowing, guess who we can blame? You! How can that be possible? Well, if you respond often to their loud and excessive meowing then it is not surprising that they still do it.
The Maine Coon cat owners may think that they are being the perfect pet owners because they give their cat all she asks for, but in reality, they are teaching them that their meowing will always get them whatever they want. It can be difficult to break the habits that your cat has formed as a result of your actions.
You may need to be patient and gradually re-teach your Maine Coon the appropriate behaviors, behaviors that don’t involve constant meowing.
Be aware, though, that this process is not likely to be simple or quick. Don’t react to every single one of your Maine Coon cat’s chirps and meows. This is not being cruel; rather, it is teaching your cat that not every noise it makes will be acknowledged.
15. Your Maine Coon Has A Special Disposition

Some cat breeds, like Maine Coons are likely to be more vocal than other cat breeds. However, they have a sweet-sounding voice, and they typically make a chirping sound rather than constant meowing. It depends on the cat’s personality.
Many Maine Coonw won’t meow but will chirp to show excitement. Similar to having a loud, quick-talking uncle, aunt, brother, or sister who simply must talk all the time.
Your Maine Coon might be one of those animals that simply must talk all the time, though it’s unlikely that it will be particularly loud.
The only advice I can give in this situation is to have fun since talking to a cat can be pretty much hilarious. In addition, the high voice and amusing noises they make listening to your Maine Coon talk nonstop are much more tolerable.
To understand what I mean, just think of SIamese cats, one of the cat breeds that is truly talkative and pretty much loud.
My Maine Coon won’t stop meowing, why? Cat owners should know that Maine Coon will meow, talk, and communicate in all sorts of ways in order to let you know that something is on their minds.
All Maine Coon cat lovers are aware of the fact that Maine Coons have a very high but quiet voice. Don’t be misled by their dog-like size, their voices will be just like kittens. The constant meowing is tolerated by this voice.
The advantage of Maine Coons is that they are quiet cats. They are most often heard chirping, which is cute, and while they are vocal cats, they are not particularly loud.
We searched and found 15 reasons why your Maine Coon won’t stop meowing. When you learn the possible reasons for such behavior, you will be one step closer to understanding your feline friend.
In cases of excessive meowing, keep in mind that spaying or neutering your Maine Coon will be beneficial. You should definitely think about this if you are not a breeder and you want to have a healthier cat that will have a long and happy life.
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