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A Guide To The Charming Chinchilla Persian Cat

A Guide To The Charming Chinchilla Persian Cat

All Persians are gorgeous felines, but there is something really special about the Chinchilla Persian cat.

According to some opinions, this is a separate breed, while others claim that it’s an ordinary Persian, with a specific coat and slight, negligible differences.

Anyhow, this is an adorable breed with a sweet temperament, which are the traits we’re used to seeing in the Persian breed.

Let’s look at the Chinchilla Persian cat’s main traits. Getting to know this cat in detail can help you decide whether it makes a good choice for your family companion.

What Is A Chinchilla Persian Cat?

Chinchilla Persian Cat

This cat isn’t news, but goes way back to the past. Basically, this is a Persian cat with a specific appearance.

According to YourCat, the Chinchilla breed originated from a silver Persian named Chinnie, who was born in 1882 as the offspring of a blue Persian and an unknown stray male. Chinnie’s kittens started looking like the Chinchillas we know today in the early 1900s. 

Let’s see what the Chinchilla Persians look like.


This cat got its name from the similarity of its coat with a chinchilla. Just like any Persian, the Chinchilla has an ultra thick, long, non-hypoallergenic coat of high maintenance.

This cat has a purely white coat with darker coloured tipping on its tail, sides, back, and head. Large and expressive emerald green eyes are one of the notable distinctive features of this cat. 

Take a look at the video below to enjoy a view of adorable Chinchilla Persian kittens.

This is a medium-to-large sized cat, boasting an average weight of 7 to 16 pounds and a height ranging from 9 to 10 inches.

Chinchilla Persian cats have short and thick legs and large paws. Their bodies are chunky and their tails are short and bushy.

The Chinchilla has a snub nose that still isn’t as short as with other Persian cats. Its head is broad and its ears are small and wide-set. 

Temperament And Behavior

All cat fanciers are well-acquainted with Persian cat’s main traits, such as calmness, gentleness, and affection.

This is exactly the description of the Chinchilla Persian cat. These cats love to be around their owners and you will quickly get used to them being a part of your household.

One thing this cat really enjoys is quality lap time and a lot of petting. The Chinchilla isn’t particularly adventurous. A calm family environment is a perfect one for this kitty.

It doesn’t require a lot of exercise and you’ll even have to remind this cat to stay active. Chinchilla Persian gets on well with children and even other cats.

An easy-going temperament makes this kitty a great choice as a family pet. 

The Chinchilla loves to give and receive a lot of attention. Once it gets used to its owners, it becomes the most loyal and devoted companion you can imagine.

In the beginning, these cats are usually shy and reserved around strangers. So, it may take some time for this kitty to fully relax around your guests.

Care Requirements

Chinchilla Persian Cat posing

Persian cats aren’t known to be low-maintenance in terms of grooming – quite the opposite.

Although all cats are exceptional groomers, the Chinchilla needs our help due to its long and thick fur. 

It’s necessary to brush this cat on a daily basis with a stainless steel comb to remove mats, tangles, and excess hair. This is the only way to keep a Chinchila’s coat nice, neat, and clean.

If this sounds like too much work for you, you can choose to take this cat for regular professional grooming.

A Chinchilla Persian cat’s dietary needs are similar to those of all domestic cats. Its diet should be based on protein. Fats should be present in moderate amounts, while carbs should make the smallest part of this cat’s nutrition. 

Since this is a low-energy cat, its exercise needs are pretty low. Of course, you should provide a Chinchilla with interactive toys and play with it regularly. 

Both physical and mental stimulation are still necessary, no matter how passive a cat is. This is a good way to keep it fit, engaged, and socialized.

Training a Chinchilla cat can be challenging, and not because this cat lacks intelligence or something. It’s just so laid-back that it will usually prefer napping to learning something new!

Health Problems And Lifespan

Chinchilla Persian Cat getting eye cleaned

The Chinchilla Persian cat is susceptible to certain health problems.

Since this is a brachycephalic breed, it’s prone to Brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome. As VCA Animal Hospitals explains, this condition causes a cat to breathe more easily through its mouth than the nose. 

Additionally, these cats often exhibit snoring and noisy breathing, and they may even faint after engaging in more strenuous physical activities.

Some Chinchilla cats also face eye ulcers, bladder infections, and Polycystic kidney disease.

Their average life expectancy goes from 12 to 15 years.

Price And Availability 

The price for a purebred Chinchilla Persian cat from a reputable breeder goes from $1200 up to $2000.

This cat is highly wanted thanks to its gentle composition and beautiful appearance. I suggest you take a look at our list of reputable Persian breeders to check whether they have Chinchilla kittens available.

Final Words

The Chinchilla Persian cat, without a doubt, makes a wonderful companion.

It’s a gentle, loving, and laid-back cat that loves to be around its humans. This cat makes a loyal and devoted family companion. With its purely white coat and striking green eyes, it also makes a very good-looking feline.

This cat may not be the right choice for individuals looking for an adventurous and active companion. Also, if you’re not ready to spend a good deal of time on grooming, you should skip this breed.

Other than these two, I cannot name any other potential drawbacks of the Chinchilla Persian!