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Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic Or Bad For Allergy Sufferers?

Are Persian Cats Hypoallergenic Or Bad For Allergy Sufferers?

Anyone looking for an affectionate and sweet cat breed cannot go wrong with a Persian cat. 

This cat is calm and friendly, and makes a wonderful companion for any home.

But, people with allergies don’t only consider a breed’s temperament traits when choosing the perfect one for them. They also need to find a cat that’s less likely to trigger allergic reactions in them.

So, are Persian cats hypoallergenic? No, not exactly. There is a good chance that this cat will cause allergy symptoms in you.

But, does this mean that you should definitely give up on having this breed under your roof? 

Let’s find out all about this cat’s tendency to cause allergies, and just how smart it is to have a Persian in your living space.

Are Persians Likely To Trigger Allergic Reactions In Humans?

Little girl petting persian cat

Persians aren’t hypoallergenic cats. But, neither is any other breed – at least not 100%.

For example, Siberians are considered hypoallergenic, but there’s always a chance this cat will cause an allergic reaction.

However, Siberians are far less likely to cause allergies in you and your family members than Persians.

So, Persians aren’t a desirable breed for allergy sufferers. There is a high chance you’ll show allergy symptoms being around this cat often. 

For some people, these will be mild symptoms only, while others might even have breathing difficulties and other severe allergy reactions.

Interesting Read: 7 Worst Cats For People With Allergies

Why Persians Cause Allergic Reactions?

The Persian cat has an extremely long and thick coat that sheds a lot. Compared to many other breeds, Persians shed a high amount of hair throughout the year. So, in terms of shedding, this is a high-maintenance breed.

But, this cat’s coat isn’t the only problem here. Felines cause allergic reactions in humans by spreading the Fel d 1 protein in their surroundings.

According to Cécile Bienboire-Frosini and her associates [1], this protein is produced in large amounts in the cat’s salivary, lacrimal, and sebaceous glands from her facial area, skin, and anal sacs.

So, together with the coat, a Persian also spreads this allergy-causing protein through her saliva, sweat, tears, urine, and dander. 

What Are The Most Common Allergy Symptoms In Humans?

A man that is allergic to cats

People with allergies have over-sensitive immune systems, meaning that their bodies mistake harmless things for dangerous invaders, and then attack them, as WebMD explains.

But, have to be sure you indeed have a cat allergy? There are some common symptoms you’ll notice, such as runny nose, red, itchy eyes, rash on the chest and face, and coughing and sneezing.

Of course, there are other conditions that can cause similar symptoms, so, the only certain way to confirm this is to have your doctor do the skin or blood test to see if you’re really allergic.

Can Allergic People Still Live With A Persian?

So, Persians aren’t exactly the best choice if you or your family members suffer from allergic reactions.

But, there are some ways of still living with this cute cat by controlling the allergy symptoms. I’m sure all of you are glad to read this!

Still, you should be aware that there will be some sacrifices, and this isn’t going to be so easy for everyone. It might even mean adapting your current lifestyle quite a lot.

Let’s see what steps you should take if you plan to live with a Persian.

1. A Lot Of Cleaning

woman with vaccum

Be prepared for your vacuum cleaner to become your best friend!

Having a Persian that’s likely to cause allergy symptoms in your or your family members will require you to constantly vacuum and mop your floors.

It would also be good to get rid of the carpets so that your cat’s dander and hair do not remain in them.

2. Bathing Your Persian Often

Bathing your indoor cat isn’t required often, unless there are some specific situations that require this.

Well, allergic reactions are a type of these specific situations. By washing your cat more often, you’ll decrease the dander and hair she sheds around your house that is responsible for triggering allergic reactions.

Of course, you should always use a pet shampoo that’s suitable for your Persian’s delicate skin.

3. Personal Hygiene On The Highest Level

Washing hands

You’ll need to be very careful about your hygiene, too. This means you should wash your hand every time you pet your Persian.

Also, do your best not to touch your eyes and face while playing with your kitten, as well as afterward.

It’s also a good idea to wear gloves while cleaning your cat’s litter box, and while grooming her.

4. Keeping Your Persian Off Your Bed

It’s extremely important you don’t let your Persian nap on your bed. 

Easier said than done, right? How to keep your cat off your bed?

First of all, you need to train your Persian. You should do this from a young age, so your kitten doesn’t have time to get used to sleeping on your bed sheets.

Another thing to do is to buy a nice, cozy bed for your cat, so she doesn’t feel the need ever to sleep in other places!

5. Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are another useful solution for allergy sufferers.

They provide your home with constant airflow, and are helpful for removing your Persian’s dander from your living space.

6. Medicines


Finally, cat allergies can be held under control with the help of medicines.

Unfortunately, many people worldwide are struggling with this allergy. Andrew Sparkes [2] points out that up to 10-20% of human adults globally are sensitized to cats.

Therefore, many of these people will need to use the standard allergy drugs, prescribed by their doctors.

These are usually antihistamines, while some people might also use allergy shots. 

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to prevent or completely stop cat allergy in humans. Still, it’s possible to control them with the help of medicines.


Are Persian cats hypoallergenic? No. Actually, quite the opposite – this breed is likely to cause allergic reactions in humans.

Does this mean you should not even think about getting this long-coated beauty? Well, not definitely.

There are still ways to live with a Persian, but this will mean a lot of cleaning, keeping your cat off the place you sleep in, bathing her often, and even using some medicines.

So, this decision will ultimately depend on each of you and your eagerness to live like this. Of course, not all people have the same allergy symptoms, so, for some of you, it might be enough just to have an air purifier, and to vacuum more regularly. 

In any case, I recommend you all first spend a couple of hours in the company of a Persian cat. The best would be to determine how severe your allergy is before welcoming a cute little Persian into your home.


[1] Bienboire-Frosini C, Durairaj R, Pelosi P, Pageat P. The Major Cat Allergen Fel d 1 Binds Steroid and Fatty Acid Semiochemicals: A Combined In Silico and In Vitro Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Feb 18;21(4):1365. DOI, Retrieved June 30, 2023.
[2] Sparkes AH. Human allergy to cats: A review of the impact on cat ownership and relinquishment. J Feline Med Surg. 2022 Jan;24(1):43-52. DOI, Retrieved June 30, 2023.

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