The Russian Blue Cat is a beautiful breed, recognizable by its silky fur. As its name suggests, this cat originates from Russia, and it is believed that the Russian emperors bred it as a royal cat.
Her specific fur color is what sets her apart from other cats. In addition, it has an extremely small, round head, large ears, and green eyes.
The Russian Blue Cat is also very intelligent and playful. Just one look at this kitty will make many fall in love with her. However, I am sure that the temperament of the cat is much more important to you than its fascinating appearance.
Are Russian Blue Cats aggressive? Or are they desirable for a pet?
Below we bring you the answers to these questions, as well as a more detailed explanation of the temperament of this cat and what to expect from living with it.
Do Russian Blues Tend To Show Aggressive Behavior?

Aggression isn’t something that’s simply part of the Russian Blue Cat’s temperament. This has a lot to do with the cat’s surroundings, and the way her humans treat her.
So, are Russian Blue Cats aggressive? No by their nature. But, they might be, if they aren’t raised in a suitable environment, and if their owners don’t respond to their aggressive behavior right from the start.
Let’s take a better look at this cat’s temperament, as to provide you with the best answer on this cat’s tendency to show aggression towards people and animals.
Russian Blue Cat’s Temperament
This cat is loyal, sweet-tempered, and tends to form strong bonds with their family members. Some Russian Blue cats might get especially attached to one person. If you’re this cat’s favorite, you might expect her to greet you at the front door after a long day away from home!
This cat loves her human family, but she might be a bit shy with strangers. So, when you have guests over, and these are people your Russian Blue cat sees for the first time, don’t be surprised if she goes missing.
If she appears in front of your visitors, and they try to pet her, this is a situation where this cat might show aggression. This is her protective mechanism, because she’s in the company of people who she doesn’t know or trust.
The Russian Blue is also a highly intelligent cat that needs a lot of mental and physical stimulation. So, this cat should be provided with a lot of toys and other kinds of activities, such as scratching posts and cat trees – all the time.
Showing aggression might also be a sign that your Russian Blue kitten is bored and feels neglected.
One important thing to know about this breed is that she doesn’t adapt well to changes. So – new people, pets, and places, can all cause her to show undesirable behaviors.
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How Russian Blue Cats Show Aggression?

You can recognize the aggression tendency just by looking at your cat’s body position and facial expressions.
Cornell Feline Health Center points out the following signs of aggression in cats:
• Arched back
• Dilated pupils
• Tail held erect with hairs raised
• Ears flattened backward on the head
There are a couple of reasons for your Russian Blue to show aggressive behavior.
Types Of Aggressive Behaviors In Russian Blue Cats
The most common one is territorial aggression.
This type of aggression is usually directed towards other cats, but cats might also show this behavior towards dogs, and people. Some might scratch the wall to mark their territory, while other cats will hiss and even attack anyone who dares to enter their territory.
But, aggressive behavior can also indicate that your Russian Blue is feeling threatened or scared.
Some kind of change, like moving to a new home, welcoming another pet, or even a baby into your home, can cause fear or defensive aggression in your cat.
Russian Blues are highly sensitive felines who can have violent reactions to any disturbances in their daily routine.
Sometimes, your cat might be aggressive while playing with you. For example, she might bite you gently out of nowhere.
Even if this isn’t a bite that hurts you or causes bleeding, you still shouldn’t let your Russian Blue do this.
Any sign of aggression in a cat should be prevented and stopped on time.
Ultimately, your cat might also be aggressive due to overstimulation. This can happen when you’re petting your cat, and she simply had enough.
Maybe you’re petting her in the wrong way, or she is one of those cats that aren’t fans of this type of affection showing.
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How To Stop Your Russian Blue From Being Aggressive?

Kristina O’Hanley and her associates [1] explain that early socialization factors play a large role in the development of adult cat behaviors, including aggression.
So, the Russian Blue kitten you’ve just welcomed into your home has already been exposed to early socialization in her cattery.
If you have bought the kitten from a reputable breeder, there’s nothing to worry about, since these breeders give their best to socialize their newborn kittens, as much as they can in these first weeks of their lives.
From that moment on, you’ll be the responsible person for your Russian Blue cat’s development and socialization. Remember, it’s never too late. Even if you notice some aggression in your cat, you still have time to make her docile.
Let’s see how to treat different types of aggressive behaviors in Russian Blue kittens.
Territorial Aggression
Intact males are the ones that most often show territorial behavior.
The one thing you can do here is to have your male neutered. Neutering decreases the cat’s urge to mark his territory, and prevents them from getting into fights with other males to mate with the female in heat.
Also, neutered males can’t mate and impregnate females anymore.
Furthermore, you should also provide your Russian Blue cat with plenty of entertainment, such as toys, scratching posts, and cat trees, to redirect its aggression toward other sources.
Aggression Towards Humans
Since Russian Blues aren’t fans of strangers, this can become a really big problem if you have people over often.
What you should do is expose your kitten to new people from her early age. This way, she will eventually get used to seeing other humans outside her family, and will stop seeing them as threats.
You might also want to ask your guests not to pet your cat, or even simply behave like she isn’t there.
Aggression While Playing

You shouldn’t let your Russian Blue bite or scratch you – not even as a part of your play session. If she gets used to doing this while she’s young, this can become a real behavioral problem when she becomes an adult.
Teach your kitten from a young age that no part of your body is a play toy for her. Also, don’t punish her if she bites or scratches you, and don’t yell at her.
Instead, when you see her taking an aggressive body posture, distract her from this by throwing her favorite toy in the opposite direction.
Fear Aggression
Your cat seems to be afraid of something you can’t even see? Oh, but this can be so scary to them, such as a new lamp in your living room, or that loud vacuum cleaner of yours that just startles her so much every single time.
If your Russian Blue shows aggressive behavior due to fear, you should try to figure out what exactly is triggering this fear in her.
If you succeed in this, you should eliminate the trigger from her surroundings. If you can’t find the exact source of fear, you should talk to your veterinarian, or even animal behaviors.
Aggression Due To Overstimulation
We all love to cuddle our kittens, but, as the Hawaiian Humane Society explains, overstimulation occurs when the petting goes on longer than the cat’s comfort level will allow.
To avoid this, you should keep your petting sessions short. Give your Russian Blue as much space as she needs.
With time, you’ll learn what’s the perfect petting amount for your cat. Some will enjoy you cuddling them for a longer time, while some will have enough after just a couple of minutes.
Do Russian Blue Cats Make Good Pets?

These cats are curious, affectionate, and intelligent, which means that it’s truly a delight to have them as pets.
Still, remember that every cat can show signs of aggression. A Russian Blue will make a wonderful companion, for sure, but it’s necessary to know how to set boundaries for her.
Any kind of aggressive behavior shouldn’t be permitted.
With proper socialization and redirecting unwanted behavior without punishing the cat – I’m sure you’ll find a forever friend in your Russian Blue kitten!
Final Thoughts
Are Russian Blue cats aggressive? Not by default, but they can show different types of aggressive behaviors.
Such outbursts can seriously disrupt harmonious coexistence with a cat under the same roof. So, problems with aggression need to be solved as soon as you notice them.
In the end, it can be concluded that Russian Blues are wonderful pets that, with your effort and encouragement, will grow into good-natured and obedient cats.
[1] Kristina A. O’Hanley, David L. Pearl, Lee Niel. Risk factors for aggression in adult cats that were fostered through a shelter program as kittens, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Volume 236, 2021, DOI, Retrieved June 29, 2023.