Female cats are likely to show some odd behaviors after intercourse. This can be surprising for cat owners to see, especially if you haven’t witnessed cats’ mating process before.
Well, you should know that some females might act aggressively towards males after mating is done.
This isn’t so rare for a female cat to do. This behavior is the natural response of her body after intercourse.
I see why it’s hard for you to understand this strange behavior after mating, but we shouldn’t compare humans and cats in this area. Cats act differently when it comes to sexual behavior; they simply follow their natural instincts.
Many female cats might act like this, and there are 4 explanations for this aggressive outburst.
1. Feeling Pain While Mating

Female cats scream when they mate due to pain, since male cats have small keratinized spines on their penis.
This causes female cats to feel pain while mating; so, they scream to be able to endure it.
Barbed reproductive organs are also the most likely reason for a female cat to attack a male after mating.
Therefore, discomfort and pain during intercourse are a potential reason why a female cat would hiss or growl at the male, or even bite him after mating.
2. Burst Of Hormones

Hormones can make cats act silly, even crazy as we see it. If you have seen your female cat pacing back and forth, assuming a mating position, howling, and demanding attention – she’s likely in heat.
Female cats also feel a burst of hormones right after mating, which causes some of them to become aggressive right after intercourse, raging on their mates.
Many felines will show territorial aggression right after mating, attack the male, and want to get rid of his smell on their bodies.
3. Getting Ready For Another Mate

It’s hard to exactly predict the female cat’s behavior after mating, but many of them are likely to roll around, groom their private parts, and show aggression towards their mate – this also happens due to hormones.
Another potential reason why a female would attack the male is that she wants him to go away, so she can calm down, and be ready to mate again – potentially with another male.
According to Susan Little [1] cats aren’t monogamous; quite the opposite! During her estrous cycle, a female cat might mate 10 to 20 days a day with several males!
It’s cute to imagine two cats living together for the rest of their lives, but, this isn’t likely to happen.
Cats don’t’ mate for life; when they’re ready for mating, female cats vocalize loudly to let all the males around them know she’s looking for a partner.
4. Disliking The Male

Even cats can be picky! As Katherine Houpt [2] remarks, some females might refuse males.
Like most other creatures, female cats can also show preferences for one male over another. Some of them might even refuse to accept the male if they are dominant over them.
If a male, however, succeeds to mate with a female that dislikes him, she might attack him after the intercourse.
Male Cats Might Show Sexual Aggression, Too

Females are not the only ones showing rambunctious sexual-related behavior. Males can be aggressive toward them, too.
According to Veterinary Practice News, a male cat waits for the right moment, and then attacks the female from behind, biting her in the neck, and pinning her to the ground.
This is a way for a male cat to keep the female down and submissive while mating, preventing her from running away.
All that aggression and screaming make us wonder why cats even mate?!
Although this might be unpleasant for us to see or hear, cats are not like humans. Their intercourse isn’t romantic; it’s just about two felines following their natural instincts.
Cats have the urge to mate and to have kittens, so female cats will still involve in intercourse, although they might not enjoy this act so much.
Should You Intervene?

Seeing your female cat attacking the male after mating might be disturbing for you.
Although there are reasons for this behavior, as we could have seen, and this isn’t so uncommon for a cat to do, you will probably want to stop this.
If this behavior worries you, you should try separating them. You can do this by distracting them with a whistle, or loudly clapping your hands. Once they’re separated, you need to provide a safe and comfortable place for your female cat.
Maybe this will be a one-time thing, and your cat will not show this behavior again.
On the other hand, if she continues to do so, the best thing would be to consult the veterinarian.
This is necessary to check whether there are any medical issues in your cat you were not aware of that might be causing aggression in her.
[1] Little, SE: Chapter 40 – Female Reproduction. The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management, 2012, Pages 1195-1227. DOI, Retrieved April 13, 2023.
[2] Houpt, KA: Sexual Behavior Problems in Dogs and Cats. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, Volume 27, Issue 3, May 1997, Pages 601-615. DOI, Retrieved April 14, 2023.
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