Having two cats in your home means twice the adventure and fun. But, things aren’t always simple with having two feline friends in the household.
Chances are that your two cats won’t be the best pals right from the beginning. Moreover, they could even act hostile towards each other.
Over time, with a proper introduction and some patience, your two cats won’t feel like their territories are being invaded. This means there’s a good chance they could start tolerating each other’s presence.
How can you recognize this? There are some clear signs cats are starting to get along.
Let’s check them out so you can catch the moments when your two pets start accepting and even approving of each other’s presence.
1. They’re Grooming Each Other

Grooming is a part of feline nature. No matter how old a cat is, and what breed she belongs to, she will groom herself.
She does this to keep her coat nice and clean and to regulate her body temperature. Grooming is also beneficial for stimulating circulation and cooling down during hot summer times.
It’s normal to see your cat grooming, but when you see your two cats grooming each other, this is a good sign, too! This means you two feline friends are starting to get along.
Mother cats groom their kittens to keep them clean, but also to teach them proper grooming. This is a habit they’ll continue to practice in adulthood.
According to Great Pet Care, cats groom each other as a sign of affection. This is most common for felines that are related or the ones that have strong social bonds.
Mutual grooming indicates that your two cats are comfortable around each other.
You can see two adorable cats grooming each other in the video below.
2. Headbutting
Headbutting is an endearing gesture that some cats use with their owners. Cats headbutt to mark their scent on their people, but could also do the same with things and other animals.
Noticing your two cats headbutting each other can be seen as a sign they’re starting to get along.
This means that they share trust and affection and enjoy each other’s presence. Also, a cat headbutts another cat to create a colony scent, as explained by Catsan.
Seeing your two pets headbutting is definitely desirable!
3. They Touch Each Other’s Noses
Another indicator of you two cats getting along is them touching each other’s noses.
In the feline world, this can be understood as a greeting. They use this move to smell another cat’s pheromones and this helps them get used to each other.
By sniffing the other cat’s nose, a cat can discover where the other one has been. This is a good sign of your two pets’ relationship since a sense of smell is crucial for them.
When you see your two cats so close together, gently touching each other’s noses, it indicates that they are growing more tolerant and even friendly towards each other.
4. Your Two Cats Play Together

Every cat owner expects their two cats to eventually start playing together. In this way, your pets will have a nice company even when you’re away from home.
In the beginning, you could have problems differentiating between simple playing and playing aggression in your cats.
N. Gajdoš-Kmecová and her associates [1] explain how the interaction between two cats could differ from day to day, or even from one occasion within a day to the other. This means that a single incident doesn’t have to predict the relationship between your two cats.
Still, there are some signs that can help you understand the difference between feline playing and aggression.
The following are the indications of aggression:
• Hissing and growling while playing
• Their ears are turned back or positioned back against their head
• Cats don’t hesitate to use their claws and hurt each other
• They even bite each other
• They are leaning back as they swipe at each other
Your two cats playing without making any loud noises is usually a good sign. Another good indicator is they are having their claws retracted during play. Also, even if they bite or chase each other, this should be done in a soft and gentle manner.
Playing sessions are essential for cats’ socialization and are a good form of mental and physical stimulation. Therefore, seeing your two cats playing together is very good!
5. They Sleep Next To Each Other
You could see one of your cats sleeping above your head. This will usually be their way of showing their affection and love towards you.
Sleeping close to each other is also a sign your two cats are getting along. Napping together and cuddling is one of the most clear indicators a cat trusts another cat.
Young kittens sleep together with their mothers and littermates, and this makes them feel secure and protected.
When they share this kind of bond with other cats in their adulthood, this is an infallible sign of affection.
Take a look at the video below to see how cute this is!
6. Kneading
Almost all owners will see their feline friend kneading. PetMD explains this as rhythmically pushing their paws in and out against a soft object.
Besides things, cats could also knead their owners, and other cats as well. To do this, cats need to feel perfectly comfortable around each other.
Kneading is another sign cats are starting to get along and their way of showing affection.
7. Your Cats Roll On Their Backs Around Each Other
Cats won’t show this move without a good reason.
They usually roll on their backs in front of their owners to greet them, show their affection, or invite them to play.
Seeing your two cats rolling on their back around each other is also a good sign. This means they’re fond of each other and could be a call to play.
It’s also a vulnerable position for felines since it makes their bellies exposed. Rolling on their backs shows your cats don’t feel threatened by each other’s presence.
8. They Don’t Show Territorial Behavior

Territorial behavior is in feline nature. There are some situations when they are more likely to show territorial aggression, such as upon the arrival of a new pet in their surroundings.
Territorial behavior can include the following:
• Hissing
• Prolonged staring
• Stalking the other cat
• Attacking her
• Urine marking
If you don’t notice these signs in your pets, this indicates they’re getting on well. They don’t feel threatened by each other and aren’t invading each other’s space.
It could take some time to get here, but it’s all worth seeing your two feline friends becoming kind to each other.
9. Their Eating And Litter Box Habits Are Normal
Having another cat inside their space can cause anxiety in felines. As a consequence, you could notice some changes in your cat’s eating and litter box habits.
For instance, your cat might start pooping on the floor or leaving the food in her bowl untouched for hours.
If both of your cats are eating properly, and using the appropriate place to defecate, this is a good indicator.
It indicates their mutual approval and a lack of inclination to engage in destructive behaviors as a form of rebellion against sharing their living space with another pet.
Observing your cats’ eating and litter box habits is generally a good way of taking care of their health.
10. Your Cats Greet Each Other With Their Tails Up

When a cat greets the other cat with her tail raised up in a vertical position, this is a sign of approval.
This means your cats want to interact with each other. Therefore, they like sharing the same living space and are likely even to become friends.
You two cats greeting each other with their tails up is a final sign they are starting to get along.
It’s also proof you made a great decision to expand your family with an additional furry companion!
Final Thoughts
I hope you’ve gained a fair insight into common signs cats are starting to get along.
This isn’t a predictable process that will be the same for all cats and for all owners. It’s possible you’ll have to wait a while to see your two pets becoming friends.
It’s also likely you’ll first have to go through some territorial behavior, conflicts, and adaptation period.
Some cats will need more time to get used to each other. There could be situations where you might even consider giving up.
But, I assure you, seeing two adorable kitties sleeping together and grooming each other is worth all the trouble!
[1] Gajdoš-Kmecová, N., Peťková, B., Kottferová, J. et al. An ethological analysis of close-contact inter-cat interactions determining if cats are playing, fighting, or something in between. Sci Rep 13, 92 (2023). DOI, Retrieved September 20, 2023.
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