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Are Female Cats More Affectionate Than Males?

Are Female Cats More Affectionate Than Males?

There are a lot of factors to consider when adopting a kitten. Purebred or mixed? Short-haired or long-haired? A giant feline or a small, cuddly kitty?

Many people will also base their decision on choosing a future pet on gender. There are some myths, but also facts regarding both male and female cats’ personalities.

For instance, males are expected to act more aggressively and be more territorial. Females are believed to be more calm, less mischievous, and more pleasant as a family pet.

But, are female cats more affectionate? 

Let’s learn more about female cat’s personalities, their way of showing love, and whether they do it better and more often than their male counterparts.

Are Female Cats More Affectionate?

cat enjoying being cuddled

Male cats are the ones that are commonly believed to be more affectionate.

However, a female cat living with a male cat in the same household can be more affectionate. In some other situations, a male cat will be more likely to show love and demand attention from their owners.

Affection in cats doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all definition, but there are some common ways felines express love for their humans.

For instance, when your cat seems to be relaxed and comfortable this doesn’t mean it’s disinterested in you. It means it feels perfectly safe and protected in your vicinity. This is its unique way of showing love.

If you observe your cat’s body language, you can also notice signs of love. Sitting close enough to you to have its tail touching you is one of them.

Showing you its belly is not only a sign of affection, but also an indication of the immense trust your cat has for you.

Some cats purr loudly and meow in your presence, letting you know vocally how much they love you.

In any case, the level of affection isn’t necessarily associated with a cat’s gender. There are other, more crucial factors in the play.

5 Factors Affecting A Cat’s Affectioness

Let’s check out the five important factors that can influence a cat’s level of affection, regardless of its gender.

1. Breed

pretty cat with yellow eyes

Instead of googling is a female cat more affectionate than a male, you may want to try with what cat breed is likely to show affection.

Spruce Pets explains that affectionate cat breeds have some important traits in common. They’re friendly, social, and docile. They aren’t scared of people and are likely to communicate their affection with murmuring, purring, and trills. 

Their affection can be so great that they sense a bad mood in their owners, and will even try to make them feel better.

The Ragdoll, Maine Coon, Persian, and Siamese are one of the most affectionate breeds out there. You can expect to receive a lot of love from these breeds, regardless if they’re male or female.

On the other hand, there are some cats that aren’t so easy on showing love. This doesn’t mean they can’t still make great pets – they’re just shy, and less demonstrative of their emotions.

Some of these breeds are Singapura, Egyptian Mau, Korat, and Russian Blue.

Considering the breed characteristics, you can expect a female Ragdoll to be more affectionate than, for instance, a male Korat.

2. Socialization

Early socialization has a crucial role in both male and female cats’ likeability to be affectionate.

Even cats that aren’t naturally so affectionate can become so when exposed to humans from a young age.

Dennis Turner [1] points out that kittens handled frequently by humans during their first weeks become friendly and trusting of people and remain so throughout their later lives.

Therefore, the best way to nurture your cat’s affectionate nature is to shower it with attention, cuddles, and play sessions right from the moment it enters your home.

3. Sterilization

cat recovering after sterilization

Sterilization brings changes in behavior for both male and female cats.

Males become less likely to run away from home and get into fights with other males. Spayed females become more docile and stop meowing loudly and rubbing against everything.

Many cat’s behaviors are hormone-driven, so spaying can also make a cat more affectionate and gentle.

You can expect a spayed cat to be more affectionate than an intact male. She is likely to let you cuddle more often and will even insist on some belly rubs herself.

4. Age

A senior female cat is likely to become more affectionate.

As cats age, they often experience a decline in their hearing and vision, which can leave them feeling disoriented and confused. 

In these moments, they sense you as their protector and want to be around you all the time. Not only does the cat become more dependent on you, but also starts to show you its love more often.

5. Bonding Time

young woman cuddling with cat

Finally, bonding time is important for a cat’s affection. This factor isn’t something that a cat comes with, but something you should work on to receive more love from your furry friend.

Nibbley Pets suggests the following steps to achieve this:

• Offer your cat tasty treats and fun toys to give her the opportunity to see your positive intentions

• Make her happy by cleaning her litter box and all other items regularly

• Spend as much time as you can with her – once your cat gets used to a lot of attention, she will start seeking it out

• Give her casual gentle pets 

• Create a fun environment for your cat by making her play with plain things like paper bags 

• Don’t ever press your cat to anything and, especially, never yell or punish her

Final Thoughts

Are female cats more affectionate?

The common belief actually characterizes male cats as more ready to show love. However, it’s not accurate to make this claim for both genders.

Females can be more affectionate than males, but this isn’t necessarily gender-destined. It has a lot to do with a cat’s breed, level of socialization, and even whether they’re sterilized or not.

Many cats will become more affectionate as they age. Also, your effort and bonding time with your pet can make it more affectionate.

Should you have a female cat if you want to see it showing you love regularly? Yes, but you should also first study her breed’s personality traits.

Another necessary thing is to dedicate enough time and be patient to get some furry kisses and snuggles.

With a loving environment and your encouragement, I bet any cat can be affectionate – both females and males.


[1] Turner DC. The Mechanics of Social Interactions Between Cats and Their Owners. Front Vet Sci. 2021 Mar 31;8:650143. DOI, Retrieved December 20, 2023.