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9 Reasons Why Does Your Cat Sleep By Your Feet

9 Reasons Why Does Your Cat Sleep By Your Feet

Cats have the ability to settle down almost anywhere in your home and fall asleep peacefully.

They usually choose a place that’s away from their litter box and food and water bowls. Some just love to sleep on your furniture, while others are satisfied with their own bed or a cat tree.

In general, their napping place can be anything just as long as they find it comfortable and warm. 

However, you probably haven’t expected your feet to be appealing for your pet to sleep nearby.

Why does my cat sleep my feet?

Let’s look at the nine theories for felines to choose this specific sleeping spot.

1. Deep Bond With You

cat sleeping on owners feet

Living with a cat has some challenges in the beginning.

You’ll need to find the perfect approach to your cat and be patient until it starts trusting you. Once your cat sees you as its human, the two of you will become deeply bonded.

Its affection can grow so strong that it won’t want to leave your side, even while sleeping. This can result in your kitty snuggling up next to your feet during night time.

Sleeping next to your head can be overwhelming and some cats find feet just like a perfect spot for napping. This is where your kitty feels your presence but it’s still at a desirable distance.

Seems like a weird place to sleep to us, but, for our cats, this is a pure sign of affection.

2. Sense Of Security

Felines are always alert. The only way to catch them unprepared is during their deep sleep.

This is why they may feel like they need a dose of security while they’re sleeping. There’s no better person than you to make your cat feel safe.

You’re the person that provides it with all necessities, but also the one that protects it from any potential dangers.

Although cats aren’t just prey, but also very skillful predators, they don’t mind having a bit of support when they’re vulnerable.

Some of them find the place next to their owners’ feet as a safe and cozy spot for them.

3. Nice And Warm

cat hugging owners socks

There’s also a chance that your cat is trying to enjoy the heat emitting off your feet.

Cats need warmth and enjoy it very much. A warm spot, especially while sleeping, can even elevate a cat’s mood.

According to PetKeen, cats naturally have a higher body temperature than us and they work hard to maintain this temperature.

This is why they try to get heat from external sources – to conserve the energy they need for their activities like exercising, hunting, and playing.

4. Marking Their Territory

Together with being incredibly adorable, cats are, at the same time, extremely territorial.

This doesn’t only refer to claiming some parts of your home as their own. Your furry pal can go so far that it also wants to mark you as only theirs.

Some cats will follow their owners everywhere to show this, even to the toilet. Others will sleep near their feet to demonstrate to other cats that they own their owners.

It’s their way of saying: Do not come near! This is my human and only I’m allowed to get this close.

5. A Spot Ideal For A Quick Escape Route

cat laying on owners feet

The night is the time when the vast majority of people just want to turn off the outside world and get a good rest.

Most cats want just the opposite. WebMD explains that cats are crepuscular and love activities and hunting in the evening or early morning.

Novice cat parents should be prepared to encounter their cats playing, hunting, or even waking them up in the middle of the night to get some attention. 

How is this related to your cat sleeping by your feet? Well, most likely, the foot of your bed is closer to the bedroom door. 

This enables your cat to still have a way for a quick escape route even while sleeping. If it senses something interesting or potentially threatening nearby, it can spring into action within seconds.

So, in case your cat needs a quick gateway – a spot near your feet is a perfect one.

6. Looking Over You

A cat can choose to sleep by its owner’s feet to feel safe, but also vice versa. It’s possible that your feline friend wants you to feel safe and protected. 

Mauro Ines and his team [1] explain how, despite the animal owner being often referred to as the carer, companion animals may also be able to fulfill the reciprocal role of the provider of security and safety in an attachment relationship.

So, your cat can be both territorial and protective of you. By sleeping near your feet, it feels like it will easily wake up in case of any danger.

Can you imagine a cuter little protector?

7. Your Scent

cat laying on owner socks

A delicate sense of smell is one of the distinctive feline features.

It helps them with hunting and feeling the world around them more deeply. It’s estimated that a cat’s sense of smell is 14 times better than that of humans.

Cats especially like their owners’ smell, since it makes them feel safe. Wherever on your bed your cat chooses to sleep – the most important thing is that it allows it to feel your comforting scent.

Interestingly, feet may not be our preferred body part, but for some reason, they appear to be the choice for certain cats to imbibe their owner’s distinctive scent.

8. A Peaceful Spot

We all understand that cats find our beds comfortable. But, why choose the spot next to our feet?

This could be exactly the most comfortable spot in a bed for many cats. You probably move your hands during the night to arrange your pillows. Sleeping next to your hands or chest can disturb your cat. It may hear your heartbeat or even the rumbling of your digestive system.

On the other hand, your feet are likely to be still all night long. This is why your cat feels like this is the place where nothing will disturb it. Also, this is the place where there’s more room for your kitty.

9. Stress And Anxiety

cat sleeping next to owner legs

Your cat can choose to sleep next to you due to affection or because it wants to feel entirely safe.

This can also indicate that it has an anxiety issue. Something is making your cat feel stressed and it decides to sleep next to your feet to sense your presence.

Most cats won’t show their distress easily, but we can recognize it by them showing some unusual behaviors.

Many things can cause anxiety in your cat, such as some kind of change, conflicts with other cats, lack of activity, loud noises, and so on.

If you suspect this is the reason for your cat sleeping next to your feet, you should figure out what’s stressing it out.

You should also let it stay near you for as long as it feels necessary to. After all, as long as it isn’t uncomfortable in any way for you – there’s nothing wrong with your kitty sleeping like this.


Why does my cat sleep by my feet?

From showing attention to stress and anxiety – there are several reasons behind this behavior. 

Just as long as both you and your kitty can still get a good night’s sleep, there is nothing wrong with this sleeping spot.

Of course, this isn’t something every cat parent will enjoy. In case you need some help with this, we have some useful tips in the article on how to keep a cat off your bed. See you there!


[1] Ines M, Ricci-Bonot C, Mills DS. My Cat and Me-A Study of Cat Owner Perceptions of Their Bond and Relationship. Animals (Basel). 2021 May 29;11(6):1601. DOI, Retrieved December 20, 2023.