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How Long Can A Cat Go Without Peeing – Guide For Cat Owners 

How Long Can A Cat Go Without Peeing – Guide For Cat Owners 

As cats eat and drink water all day, it is logical that they need to pee a few times a day. It is normal that they need to eliminate what they ingest and the litter box should be a visited place during the day considering that their bladder is always on the go. But how long can a cat go without peeing?

Even though there is no definite answer to that question, there might be some guide on their peeing schedule for your feline. You must be aware of the possible reasons and solutions for your cat urinating more or less than usual. 

Keep reading to find out all you need to know. 

So How Long Can A Cat Go Without Peeing? 

Long Haired Cat sitting on bed

This can vary from cat to cat as but the cat on average should pee 2 to 6 times a day.

The number will depend on the health, age and diet of your cat, along with medication, humidity, chronic health problems and environmental heat. 

So with all that facts, how long can a cat go without peeing? The common answer we get is around 24 to 48 hours, with an average of 36 hours. It is not harmful, but your cat should not have to hold the pee for long, and if other issues occur you should take her to the vet. 

Another thing is that cats usually pee once or twice during the day while others may do it every other day. But that may not be the case with every cat as each cat is different and has their own schedules and routines.

Have you ever wondered how much cats can go without pooping? Usually felines poop once a day and can hold it up to 36 hours without any harm. But, those cats that poop every other day, shouldn’t be held for more than 48 hours. Anything over that might indicate that there is an underlying health issue. 

How Many Times Should A Cat Pee?

This can vary from one cat to another, and can be affected with other factors, but normal cat urinating should be anywhere between two to six times a day. However, the amount may increase or decrease depending on your cat’s metabolism, bladder and the amount of water it drinks. 

So if your furry friend visits the litter box less or more often, it shouldn’t be such a big deal. 

But, if you want to discover if there is a problem, make sure to keep the litter clean at all times and observe your cat’s behavior and routine. 

Usually, cats avoid the litter box if it is smelly and dirty,  so they tend to hold it or wait to pee in another place. And you can understand this behavior since no one would like to be eliminated in the dirty toilet, am I right?

What Causes Cats To Pee More Than Usual? 

cat peeing

If you have noticed that you’re cleaning the litter box more than usual, that means that your furry friend is also using it more often. Some health issues and change in diets may cause your cat to pee more often. 

If you notice such behavior, and you see that the color of the urine and the quantity is the same, that may indicate bladder issues or bladder infection. If you notice large amounts of pee, then it indicates that something with kidney diseases and diabetes is wrong. 

But another thing that may cause a cat to pee more is age. While they age, the control in the bladder weakens, and therefore causes older cats to pee a lot. 

If your cat is on some medications as well, peeing more often might be the side effect of it. That’s why it is important to discuss that with the vet so you can be ready and not panic when you see such behavior. 

What Causes Cats To Pee Less Than Usual?

As cat urinating can increase, it can also decrease, especially if the cat is dehydrated or having some health issues. 

Oliguria is a condition that causes cats to pee less. This happens due to dehydration, usually when it is summer because the temperature is high and the cat needs more water. 

But the problem may appear if you don’t provide your cat with enough water, no matter what season and temperature it is. 

But, oliguria is not the only thing. Kidney problems, liver dysfunction, low blood pressure or trauma may cause a sudden change in the cat’s peeing schedule. 

No matter the cause, you should consider the vet visit to exclude anything severe. 

What Causes A Cat Not To Pee At All?

grey cat sitting by window looking outside

If your cat doesn’t pee, that should be taken seriously. You may think that your cat will get over it over time, but that could lead your kitty into danger. 

There are a few health problems that could cause your cat not to pee at all. Like for example. anuria.  Cats which suffer from anuria don’t produce any urine due to kidney failure. It is a serious issue that needs to be treated right away. 

Another issue that causes cats to have difficulty peeing is cystitis that causes the bladder to be inflamed. 

This condition is usually caused by abnormal urinary pH levels or bacterial infections which causes bigger formation of microscopic mineral crystals in the urine that can grow and obstruct the flow of urine. 

This health issue is seriously unpleasant and uncomfortable for a feline, but it may even worsen if not treated and lead to FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease). As soon as you notice cystitis, you should visit the vet! 

See Also: 5 Reasons For Male Cat Not Peeing But Acting Normal

When Should You Worry? 

Even though cat peeing more or less might have nothing to do with some severe health issue, it is important that you notice if something other is changed along with that and you need to act. 

We are here to provide you with some signs of potential urinary problems: 

  • Your cat avoids the litter box
  • Your cat visits the litter box more than usual
  • Your cat’s urine has unpleasant and strong odor
  • There is no bladder control
  • Larger consumption of water
  • More time spent in the litter box
  • Crying in pain when trying to urinate
  • The urine contains blood 

RELATED: Why Do Cats Pee On Bathroom Rugs?

How To Make Sure That Your Cat Is Peeing The Proper Amounts?

cat drinking water from sink

Sometimes you cannot control your cat’s behavior and schedule, but you can do something of course. In order to make your cat happy and healthy that pees on time, you can do a few things:

Keep The Litter Box Clean At All Times

As we all know, cats are clean and tidy creatures and they might avoid their eliminating space if they see that it is dirty and smelly.  That can cause them to pee less and avoid peeing until you clean it. 

That’s why your job should be to keep it clean regularly, and your cat will happily use it!

Provide Water

Every species needs water to survive. But as you take care of your cat, you are the water provider so your task is to give them fresh water every day.  As long as you do it, your cat will be hydrated and it will have a proper digestion. 

Your cat needs to have a bowl of fresh water next to the food bowl, because after they’re done with food, they’ll want to freshen up with food, especially if they ate dry cat food. You could also place another bowl of water where your cats sleep so they can reach it when they feel the need for it.

One more thing, make sure that the water bowl is away from the radiator or anything with heat as they will avoid drinking hot and warm water. 

Closing Words

cat sitting on floor

So, to clear once and for all, how long can a cat go without peeing? It should take 24 to 48 hours, but on average it is 36 hours. But bear in mind that your cat shouldn’t hold more than 48 hours. 

Anything can affect your cat’s peeing schedule, for example, medication, age, dirty litter box or underlying health issue.

Now that you’ve learned about this topic, make sure to observe if something unusual happens to take her to the vet before anything serious happens. 

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