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Are Male Siamese Cats Rare And Their Differences From Females

Are Male Siamese Cats Rare And Their Differences From Females

The Siamese breed is recognized by its elegant body, glossy coat, and striking blue eyes. 

Their coat coloring is their unique feature, since they have a light-colored body with dark points on their faces, paws, tails, and ears.

These cats are very social, affectionate, and intelligent, making them a wonderful choice for a family companion.

Clearly, these are all desirable traits prospective owners want to see in their cats. Some of you could also have preferences related to your future pet’s gender.

When investigating this, you could come across a myth that male Siamese cats are a lot harder to find than females. 

But, is this really true? Are male Siamese cats rare?

Let’s find out the answer, and also explore the potential differences between genders in this breed.

Are Male Siamese Cats Rare?

Male Siamese Cat

The original Siamese cat originated in Thailand. When these felines gained popularity outside of their homeland, most of them were females initially.

This fact has led many people to believe that female Siamese are more common. There were even some legends that male Siamese are so rare that they brought luck to their owners.

But, this isn’t true. Male Siamese are actually as common as their female counterparts. So, they aren’t rare.

There is a chance that you’ll come across all female Siamese kittens in one litter. But, this is only a pure coincidence! In another litter, males could be the predominant gender.

Therefore, the myth of the rarity of male Siamese cats is just a myth, and not a scientifically confirmed fact.

How Male And Female Siamese Cats Differ?

Your chances of finding a male Siamese are the same as with their female counterparts.

But, there are some differences between genders with this breed. Let’s check them out, since this can help decide whether a male will suit you better than a female Siamese.


The Siamese cat growth chart suggests that there is a difference between the size of male and female cats.

In general, males are expected to be larger. They usually weigh 7 to 12 pounds and stand 11 to 14 inches tall. 

On the other hand, females weigh 6 to 9 pounds, while their average height goes from 10 to 12 inches.

Both male and female Siamese cats have a strong and athletic build. They both also have the same coloring and points. 

Temperament And Behavior

Siamese cat on tree

Male Siamese are in general expected to be more active than females.

They are also likely to be more playful, and more mischievous, too. Both male and female Siamese cats are vocal, especially when they want something from their humans.

Check the video below to see a chatty Siamese cat.

Female Siamese are likely to be more successful in terms of trainability. Since males are so playful and carefree, it can be challenging to train them.

Females are more obedient and less likely to act mischievous. Of course, with positive reinforcement, it’s very much possible to train a male Siamese, too. This breed is very intelligent and capable of learning tricks and commands.

Male Siamese are in general more outgoing than females. Females are reserved and well-mannered, on the other hand.

This means that females can be characterized as more independent. Male Siamese are more likely to follow their owners around and be more needy.

Both males and females can exhibit aggressive behaviors, especially if they’re intact. Sterilization makes male Siamese cats less likely to run away from home to find females in heat. It also decreases the chances of them getting into fights with other males.

Spaying helps with the female cat’s loud meowing and rubbing against everything.

It’s not easy to explain whether a male or female Siamese is more cuddly. This depends a lot on the cat’s surroundings and socialization.

With proper treatment and care, both these cats are likely to be very gentle with their humans. Cats can be taught to tolerate receiving attention from their owners.

It’s necessary to bear in mind that the most important thing is to recognize the cat’s needs and wishes. 

While petting your Siamese, be careful not to overstimulate it, since it might grab your arm and bite you all of a sudden!


The following are the five most common health problems in the Siamese breed, affecting both males and females.

1. Separation Anxiety

sad siamese cat

Since these are highly social cats, they could become anxious when their owners are away.

Both male and female Siamese cats thrive on getting interaction and attention from their humans.

If you spend a lot of time away from home, you could notice your cat showing destructive behavior. This means you could come across your Siamese scratching your furniture or defecating outside the litter box.

It’s a good idea to have someone to check on a Siamese cat when you’re away from home. In some cases, it will be necessary to also seek a vet’s help.

2. Dental Issues

Dental problems are usually seen in elderly cats, but could also be a problem in younger ones. 

To prevent this, it’s necessary to brush this cat’s teeth regularly. Also, it’s advisable to take a Siamese or annual professional teeth cleaning.

3. Amyloidosis

VCA Animal Hospitals explains amyloidosis as a condition when proteins called amyloid are deposited outside of cells in a cat’s tissues and orange. This causes feline organ dysfunction.

Besides the Siamese breed, this medical condition can be seen in Abyssinians and Burmese cats.

Together with weight loss, cats with this disease are also likely to become lethargic, and a fluid build-up could appear under their skin.

The treatment for amyloidosis includes hospitalization with IV fluids. There isn’t a specific medication that’s used here.

It’s necessary to discover the underlying cause to be able to treat it. This could be any kind of infection, inflammation, or even cancer.

4. Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome is a condition characterized by an extreme sensitivity on a cat’s skin. According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, it most commonly appears on its back and in front of the tail.

Siamese cats with this condition are likely to scratch their bodies excessively. They could also vocalize even more loudly than usual.

Anxiety and stress can increase a cat’s problem with hyperesthesia. The treatment can include medications such as corticosteroids or gabapentin.

Also, veterinarians usually prescribe adding omega-3 fatty acid supplements to a cat’s diet. This helps decrease its skin sensitivity.

5. Progressive Retinal Atrophy

blind siamese cat

This is a genetic disorder of a cat’s retina. With time, Progressive Retinal Atrophy could lead to blindness in felines.

PetMD names the following common symptoms of this health condition:

• Disorientation

• Bumping into objects

• Dilated pupils

• Reluctance to enter a dark room

• Reclusiveness at night

There is still no effective treatment for this medical condition in cats. If the vet confirms it in your Siamese, all you can do is adapt your home to be more accessible to it.

You should keep your cat indoors and block off access to the stairs and any other areas that could potentially be dangerous.


On average, both male and female Siamese cats live around 15 years. Some could, however, reach even 20 years of age.

The living environment and care provided can significantly impact a Siamese cat’s lifespan.

Therefore, you should provide your cat with a quality diet and regular exercise. You should also take it for regular veterinarian check-ups.

Some other factors could also be essential here. Michael Kent and his associates [1] found out how intact male and female cats had significantly shorter longevity than their sterilized counterparts.

This means that it’s certainly a good idea to sterilize a Siamese cat.

Should You Have A Male Siamese?

We’ve come to a conclusion that male Siamese cats aren’t rare. Now, the next important question arises: Is this the right cat for you and your family?

Take a look at the brief overview of a male Siamese cat’s traits. Seeing them in one place could help you decide!

Male Siamese Pros Male Siamese Cons

Male Siamese cats make wonderful companions since they’re loving, outgoing, and friendly with everyone.

Still, it’s also necessary to mention some of their potential downsides. This isn’t the best breed for people who spend a lot of time away from home. 

Also, they are extremely vocal. They could also be challenging to train and might show mischievous behavior.

Now, it’s up to you to decide whether a male Siamese fits into your lifestyle!


Are male Siamese cats rare?

No, not exactly. They shouldn’t be any more challenging to find than their female counterparts. This is a myth that people believed in the past.

I believe many of you find gender as an important factor when choosing your future pet. Hopefully, you’ve gained a fair insight into the pros and cons of both male and female Siamese cats.

Their differences aren’t so drastic, but one of their traits could help you pick the cat that suits you better. 

I hope you’ll welcome an adorable Siamese kitten into your home soon, regardless of its gender!

[1] Kent MS, Karchemskiy S, Culp WTN, Lejeune AT, Pesavento PA, Toedebusch C, Brady R, Rebhun R. Longevity and mortality in cats: A single institution necropsy study of 3108 cases (1989-2019). PLoS One. 2022 Dec 29;17(12), DOI, Retrieved September 26, 2023.

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