Bengal is a large, athletic cat that in a way still looks like a wild cat! However, anyone who has enjoyed the company of this kitten is well aware of how sweet, loyal, and loving she is with her humans.
When choosing a cat, many people would need to consider whether the breed is hypoallergenic, since they, or some of their family members suffer from allergies.
What are the Bengals like in this regard? Are they hypoallergenic? Not exactly. But, Bengals are also not a bad option for allergy sufferers. It can be said that many other breeds are more likely to cause severe allergic reactions in humans than Bengals.
Let’s dive deeper into the issue.
Bengals Are Not Hypoallergenic

Actually, no cat’s one hundred percent hypoallergenic.
If you have a cat allergy, being close to a Bengal cat might cause coughing, sneezing, skin reactions, swelling, and other allergy symptoms in you.
Some people might think that Bengals are hypoallergenic since they have short coats, so, less hair – less shedding and less opportunity to cause an allergic reaction, right? Wrong!
Shorthair cats still shed, at least to some extent. But, the most important thing to understand here is that a cat’s coat is not the only factor causing allergic reactions.
Other allergy triggers are dander, a cat’s saliva, sweat, and feces. All of them contain the protein Fel d1, which is responsible for allergic reactions to felines in humans.
WebMD points out an additional important thing: even if you’re not actually allergic to cats, your cat can still indirectly cause an allergic reaction in you. If she is allowed to go outside, she could bring mold, pollen, or any other allergen on her fur to your home.
But, They Aren’t The Worse Option For Allergy Sufferers
Although they might shed little, Bengal cats still shed far less than some other cat breeds, such as the Ragdoll, Maine Coon, or Chartreux cat.
This means that Bengals are less likely to spread dander all around the house by shedding their hair.
There is also a theory related to the Bengal’s roots; this cat is actually a hybrid and an offspring of a domestic cat and an Asian Leopard cat.
According to some opinions, since this is a hybrid cat, her allergen-causing proteins might be quite different from other domestic cats.
This theory has not yet been proven and we cannot say with confidence that it’s correct.
Can You Live With A Bengal If You Have A Cat Allergy?

It seems that living with a Bengal is causing an allergic reaction in you. What to do? Is the only way out to have your cat go living in some other place?
Andrew Sparkes [1] found that most people with an allergy will still choose to continue living with their cats. I think anyone who has ever owned a cat can understand this type of emotional bond between owners and their pets.
So, it’s definitely not impossible to live with a Bengal cat, even if you show allergy symptoms.
Of course, you can use drug therapy or immunotherapy, but there are also some additional things you can do to minimize allergen exposure in your home. Those things are the following:
• Although you shouldn’t wash your indoor cat often, if she causes an allergic reaction in you, bathing her twice a week can seriously decrease allergy symptoms.
• Use an air purifier to control the spread of allergens inside your home.
• Use a high-efficiency vacuum cleaner.
• Reduce carpets and furnishings in your house as much as possible, since these places capture the cat’s dander and saliva.
Following these steps – you and your Bengal cat can still have a nice life together!
Interesting Read: All About The Bengal Cat Lifespan And Common Health Issues
What Are The Best Cat Breeds For Allergy Sufferers?

Although every cat can cause at least a mild allergic reaction in humans, some breeds are generally considered to be the best options for people with allergies.
According to petMD, Bengal is one of them, together with Siberians, Siameses, Balinese and Burmese. Sphynx, the most popular hairless cat breed, is also a good option if you’re looking for a cat that’s less likely to cause allergy symptoms in your family members.
You should also talk to your vet; He can give you some useful advice on living with a cat and dealing with potential allergic reactions.
See Also: 5 Reliable Breeders That Offer Hypoallergenic Cats For Sale
Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?
Not totally. But, no other cat is completely safe not to cause allergic reactions in humans, either. Bengals make a good option for people with allergies, since they have short coats and are less likely to spread dander all around.
So, it’s possible to live with a Bengal cat, even if there are allergy sufferers inside your home. You’ll just need to be ready for a lot of cleaning, frequent cat baths, and even medication use, if your allergy symptoms are severe.
I hope allergies will not prevent you from enjoying the company of this exotic and loving cat!
You might also like to know whether calico cats are hypoallergenic. See you there!
[1] Sparkes AH. Human allergy to cats: A review of the impact on cat ownership and relinquishment. J Feline Med Surg. 2022 Jan;24(1):43-52. DOI, Retrieved May 18, 2023.
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