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All About The Bengal Cat Lifespan And Common Health Issues

All About The Bengal Cat Lifespan And Common Health Issues

The Bengal is an indeed interesting and appealing cat breed, with its wildcat looks and sweet temperament.

This cat bonds strongly with her owner and makes a wonderful choice for people looking for a loving and loyal pet.

But, how long is this cat likely to live by your side? This is a very important factor for many people looking for a perfect breed for themselves and their families.

Well, various factors can influence a cat’s life expectancy, but, in general, Bengals are very healthy and long-lived.

Let’s take a look at this cat’s expected lifespan, and all the circumstances that can affect it.

How Long Bengals Live On Average?

Chances are good that you will have your Bengal for a long time – their lifespan is estimated to be from 12 up to even 20 years!

Of course, not all Bengals will be lucky enough to live this long. There are potential health problems that might appear, and proper care and decent life circumstances might also impact this cat’s life expectancy.

But, this expected longevity means that you have a really good opportunity to have this cat by your side for a very long time!

What Factors Might Affect The Bengal Cat Lifespan?

beautiful bengal cat

Is there something you can do to ensure your cat will live a long and happy life?

Yes, there is! The following factors are equally important for your Bengal’s cat lifespan, and you can have an impact on each of them.

1. Diet And Hydration

Proper diet is one of the most important factors for a cat’s health in all her life stages.

Your Bengal’s diet should be based on meat, and should offer her a balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to keep this high-energy cat well-fed and satisfied.

Water intake is as important as a proper diet for felines. Many Bengals might not be fans of drinking water, so, you can expect even to beg them to hydrate themselves.

If your cat doesn’t seem to be drinking enough water, the best thing to do would be to feed her with a combination of dry and wet food. Wet food will keep your Bengal hydrated.

With the help of automatic cat feeders – you can even feed her with wet food while you’re away from home!

2. Exercise

The Bengal is a very energetic breed that needs a lot of exercise and play to stay healthy and happy. 

Regular exercise is so important for this cat’s health that it can even affect her lifespan! Bengals should be surrounded with various toys, and have opportunities to run, jump, and climb on a daily basis.

These circumstances will also decrease the risk of a Bengal cat becoming obese. 

Bengals will benefit from tall cat trees, scratching posts, and a lot of space to run around. And – of course – playing with their owners will be one of the favorite activities for these kittens!

3. Living Circumstances

Bengal cat plays with a scratching post in the living room

Your Bengal’s cat lifespan can also depend on the fact whether she’s an indoor or outdoor cat.

PetCareRx explains how indoor cats have an average lifespan of 13 to 17 years, while outdoor cats are likely to live 2 to 3 years shorter than their indoor counterparts.

According to Sarah Tan and her associates [1] outdoor cats are at more risk of earlier death because they are more exposed to injuries due to traffic, toxins ingestion, diseases and parasites, and becoming lost.

Of course, letting your cat outside has many benefits, such as the opportunity to run around, hunt, and exercise in nature. 

Having a cat indoors exclusively doesn’t mean she has to be bored or lack entertainment; You should just make a nice and engaging environment for her inside your home.

4. Spaying/Neutering

A sexually mature male Bengal cat will run away from home to find a female in heat to mate with.

This means he will be in more danger of getting injured or even killed in traffic. Neutering a male cat early in life can significantly decrease this possibility, since neutered males aren’t likely to roam.

So – neutering can greatly affect the male Bengal’s cat lifespan. 

When it comes to females, spaying also has medical benefits. According to Kim Campbell Thornton [2], spaying a cat reduces the risk of mammary tumors later in life.

Interesting Read: When Is It Too Late To Spay A Cat?

5. Vet Check-ups

Of course, if you notice something is wrong with your cat, you will immediately take her to a vet clinic.

But, it’s also important to take your cat for regular checkups, even if she seems to be perfectly healthy.

If you take her for an examination once every six months or once a year, you will be sure that, if the veterinarian detects the presence of a disease, you have noticed it in time. 

This way, with appropriate treatment, your Bengal will continue to have excellent prospects for a long and happy life in your home!

What Are Common Health Problems In Bengals?

Young cute bengal cat laying on a soft cat's shelf

Every cat breed has a certain tendency to develop various diseases. Some of them are less serious and easily treated, while some can significantly affect the cat’s lifespan.

Let’s see which health conditions are common in Bengals.

1. Dental Issues

Many Bengals will develop dental disease, especially in their senior age. 

The most important thing with this health condition is prevention. You should brush your Bengal’s teeth regularly to remove food leftovers and residue from her teeth and gums.

Of course, you should use cat toothpaste, and not the one that we’re using! It would also be good to take a Bengal for professional teeth cleaning once a year to keep her teeth in good shape.

2. Allergies

Some Bengals will deal with some type of allergens. VCA Animal Hospitals explain how common allergies in felines are fleas, food, atopic dermatitis, and contact allergy.

Allergy symptoms in cats are usually itchy skin, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, eye discharge, and even digestive problems, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and flatulence. 

Allergies in Bengals should be treated only with veterinarian-approved flea and tick control. Also, it’s helpful to bathe the cat more often to help her with itching, to use dust-free cat litter, and to keep your home clean of dust and dirt.

3. Hip Dysplasia

bengal kitty walking on the fallen yellow maple leaves

The abnormality in the hip joint – the condition called hip dysplasia – might occur in some Bengal cats.

Some of the most obvious symptoms of this health issue are a cat’s reluctance to jump to high surfaces, her avoiding the stairs, as well as all other physical activities, and her licking the hip area excessively.

According to PetMd, treatment of hip dysplasia in cats can be quite challenging. It usually involves pain medications and joint supplements. It’s also necessary to keep the Bengal at a healthy weight, since obesity can speed up the breakdown of the hip joint.

See Also: 5 Causes Of Bowed Legs In Cats, And Is Recovery Possible

4. Feline Diabetes

Diabetes is a common disease in Bengals, too, especially in older ones.

The most common signs of feline diabetes are increased thirst and urination, and weight loss despite a cat’s good appetite. 

The treatment includes dietary therapy and insulin therapy. The main goal with this health issue is to stop weight loss, restore normal blood glucose concentration, and minimize signs of increased urination and thirst in the cat.

Feline diabetes is a chronic disease, but a cat who is treated effectively can still live a long and good life.

Final Words

All Bengal cat owners are pretty lucky since this breed has great chances for a long life!

Of course, it’s always possible for a cat to develop a certain disease, but, with proper care and regular check-ups, you should have your Bengal for 15 years or even more. 

Make sure you provide this cat with proper nutrition and hydration, exercise, and entertainment. Also, never miss taking her for a regular checkup.

In the end, give this cat your time and love – and in return, you will receive the same, if not more, amount of positive energy!


[1] Tan SML, Stellato AC, Niel L. Uncontrolled Outdoor Access for Cats: An Assessment of Risks and Benefits. Animals (Basel). 2020 Feb 6;10(2):258. DOI, Retrieved May 28, 2023.

[2] Campbell Thornton, K. New Advice on Sterilizing Kittens: Earlier Is Better. American Veterinarian, June 2017, Volume 2, Issue 3, DOI, Retrieved May 28, 2023.

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