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Do Cats Trim Their Own Nails And Do They Need Our Help?

Do Cats Trim Their Own Nails And Do They Need Our Help?

Nails are very important for cats, as they help them climb, catch prey, and defend against attackers. Also, cats use their nails to clean their fur from dirt.

Overgrown nails not only look bad, but can also be extremely painful for our feline friends. It may come as a surprise to you to see overgrown nails in your cat.

I’m sure you asked yourself the question: Do cats trim their own nails?

Let’s find out the answer, as well as whether you should trim your cat’s nails and how often to do this.

Do Cats Trim Their Own Nails?

cat sharpening nails

In theory, cats are perfectly good at taking care of their nails.

Outdoor cats use trees as their favorite places to trim and sharpen their nails. Indoor felines are a bit more limited in this area, but still have good substitutes to keep their nails at point.

While a scratching post doesn’t exactly sharpen your cat’s nails, it doesn’t make them dull, either.

When your cat uses a scratching post, it removes the outer layer of the claw, revealing its sharper layer underneath.

Therefore, a scratching post removes dull parts of your cat’s nails and makes room for sharper layers. Regrettably, this might not suffice for some cats, leading them to also scratch your furniture.

Although cats are good at taking care of their nails, you still may see overgrown nails in your pet. 

Let’s first see why this is not desirable, and then what you should do to help.

Why Long Nails Present A Problem For Cats?

There are a couple of potential dangers of overgrown nails in cats:

• The nails could break off, crack, and grow crooked

• A cat can get injured while playing or grooming itself

• It’s possible for a cat to get stuck on textiles or carpets with its long nails

• Nails can grow into a cat’s paw pads and cause inflammation

• It’s a lot harder for a cat to run and walk with overgrown nails

The video below shows how it looks when a cat’s nails are overgrown.

Although your cat should be able to trim its nails, this will not always be possible and it will require your help.

Should You Trim Your Cat’s Nails?

Providing your cat with scratching opportunities is crucial for its nails to stay healthy and at normal length.

Still, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t trim your cat’s nails. This is especially true for older cats, cats who struggle with obesity, or any other health conditions.

Older cats are less active and most of them usually don’t groom themselves as they used to do. Most likely, they have mobility issues and, even though they want to still be spotlessly clean, they aren’t capable of doing this in an advanced age.

The same thing goes for fat cats and cats with arthritis, for instance. Their health problems are preventing them from grooming their furs, and, also, trimming their nails.

Therefore, you should trim your cat’s nails, especially if it faces a challenge like advanced age or health problems.

How Often Should You Trim Your Cat’s Nails?

cutting kitten's nails

This isn’t the same for all cats and depends on how quickly their nails grow.

Of course, you can figure out the best frequency by checking on your cat’s paws regularly. Also, if you hear the tapping of your cat’s claws while it walks across a smooth floor – it’s definitely time to get its nails done.

The Humane Society of the United States suggests that trimming a cat’s nails every two to three times a week should be a part of caring for your cat’s health.

Regular trimming serves to protect your cat’s nails from splitting and breaking. It also reduces the risk of your cat sustaining injuries during activities such as climbing, running, or playing. 

Moreover, it provides protection for you from your cat’s scratches and helps preserve your furniture from being damaged.

How To Trim Your Cat’s Nails?

close-up photo of cutting cat's nails

According to WebMD, the basic rule here is to trim a cat’s nails in a calm, quiet location. It’s desirable to do this while a cat is sleepy, such as after a meal. While doing this, you should keep your cat away from windows or any other distractions.

Since cats don’t like their paws touched, this is the first obstacle you’re likely to encounter. Try touching your cat’s paws gently for a couple of times before you even start trimming its nails.

If your cat lets you do this, reward it with a treat. 

Cats also dislike new things, so, chances are good that your pet won’t be thrilled about the nail clippers. Let it get to know the clippers before you use them by giving it to sniff it.

Once your cat gets used to the clipper, start with trimming. If your cat is up for sitting in your lap, this will make things a lot easier for you.

Gently press on your cat’s paw pad until you’re able to see the nail. Then cut the sharp part and be careful not to touch the quick.

Be quick while doing this and reward your cat with a treat as soon as you’re done with the first nail.

If it shows no protest, continue the same way with the rest of its nails. Some cats will start rebelling after having two or three nails trimmed. 

If this happens, let your cat take a break and continue again later.

Why Do Cats Dislike Having Their Nails Trimmed?

cutting cat's nails

We’ve established that cats are likely to need our help to trim their nails.

However, most of them won’t like having their nails cut. This will seem weird to them, especially when they first encounter it.

It isn’t anything painful, but some cats could be afraid they could get hurt. This is why it’s so important to trim your cat’s nails only when it’s perfectly relaxed and do it in a private place.

You should use quality nail trimmers, because old or dull trimmers can make this process very uncomfortable for your cat.

If this seems too challenging for you, or you just don’t have enough patience and skills to do it slowly, please ask a family member to do it instead of you. Your cat can sense your stress and this can cause anxiety in it, too.

In case nothing seems to work for your furry companion, you should ask a groomer or a veterinary technician for help.


Do cats trim their own nails?

All cats scratch their nails in some way. The ones living outdoors use trees to do this, while those living indoors have substitutes like scratching posts.

Young and active cats can seem to have things under control. However, in most cases, a cat will still need regular trimming.

It’s essential to keep your cat’s nails at normal length to prevent injuries and infections. This is why you should include nail trimming as a regular part of caring for your cat-

Most of them will get used to this process with positive reinforcement and patience.

In case you have a little stubborn or fearful feline friend, you can always ask a groomer or a veterinary technician for help.