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Cat Poop Color Chart – What Does Each Color Indicate?

Cat Poop Color Chart – What Does Each Color Indicate?

Hello there, cat owner! You’re probably aware that a cat’s poop color is essential when talking about cat’s health. You wouldn’t be here if that weren’t the case.

Stool condition and stool color are excellent ways of checking your cat’s overall health, and they can actually show you some signs that something is wrong with your feline friend.

So what does each poop color and shade mean for a cat? We prepared a cat poop color chart that will discuss in depth what each color indicates about your cat’s health!

Cat Poop Color Chart

Poop Color What Does It Mean
Yellow & Green Yellow and green stool can indicate that the stool has passed too quickly through the intestines, which usually means there are some digestive complications. It can show that something serious is affecting your cat’s digestive health.
Black Black stool is a sign of serious issues in your cat’s digestive tract, and it can indicate that there is blood in the upper GI tract, which requires immediate vet help.
Red Red cat stool may indicate that there is blood in the lower GI tract. It is a medical emergency if you notice diarrhea or loose stool.
White Spots
If you notice white spots, it may be a sign of intestinal parasites.
BrownBrown poop usually means that your cat is healthy. A healthy cat is expected to have a formed brown stool, and the color may be different in shades of brown depending on their food diet. If your cat has a brown stool, that means you’re doing a great job in taking care of your feline.
OrangeIf you notice orange stool, it may indicate liver or gallbladder problems.

Cat Poop Colors In Depth

Examining your cat’s stool may be a bit strange for you, but it is necessary for your cat’s health since you can learn so much from it.

As we know, normal cat poop will be brown or dark brown and in the shape of a sausage. That only means that healthy stools indicate a healthy cat and healthy bowel movements.

A bit of fur in the stool is standard, but if you see a big cluster of hair, that means that a hairball is coming on the other end and is not indicating good things, and it means that your cat is overgrooming.

If the stool color varies, it is time to get a vet check-up, and it will help you find out what could be troubling your dear feline.

Now let’s see the cat poop color chart with each cat’s poop described in depth!

Yellow & Green Cat Poop

the cat poops on the sand

We don’t want to sound panicky, but yellow and green cat poop should concern you as a cat owner.

The yellow and green cat poop indicates that the stool passed too fast through the intestines, which often indicates that there were issues in the digestive system. Especially it can point to liver and gallbladder problems as well as infection in the digestive tract. You don’t need to know the reason behind this color to understand that this requires a vet visit.

If your cat’s stool has a yellowish shade, it might be the gallbladder or liver problems, but sometimes, it can be completely normal to have it.

If a cat’s poop has a green shade, then it may mean your cat has a parasitic or bacterial infection or she consumed the grass. Bacterial infection can happen if your cat ingests contaminated feces, undercooked dairy meat, or water.

A vet will probably give your cat antibiotics to eliminate bacterial infections. In more severe cases, fluids for dehydrated cats will be required. If the green cat’s stool is green for a long time, call the vet.

Black Cat Poop

Black cat poo is not a piece of good news at all. The black color in the stool may indicate severe problems in the digestive tract. Black cat poop showed bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. The upper GI tract includes the mouth, small intestine, and stomach, and each one of them can be affected if there are toxicities or intestinal parasites.

You may notice that the blood has a tarry and black appearance after it’s digested, and it coats poop while the cat passes the stool. As black cat poop is a serious sign, you should always contact the vet. Internal bleeding is no joke and is life-threatening if it is not intervened, and it definitely requires vet help to solve the cause.

The bleeding in the upper GI tract may accompany other symptoms like weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, and chronic vomiting. Parasites would be treated with dewormers, and anti-inflammatory medication would be needed for inflammatory bowel disease.

However, black cat stool equals an immediate vet call!

Red Cat Poop

Red Cat Poop

Red cat stool can show that there is blood in the lower GI tract of your feline friend. Even though it is not so severe as black cat poop, it is still an issue that needs to be solved.

This blood is not digested. To be precise, the blood didn’t get the chance to digest, leading to the stool’s bright red hues. Why does bleeding happen in the lower GI tract? Bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract can occur due to straining to defecate, changes in the diet, and irritation within the intestines.

The blood in their stool sometimes isn’t a serious issue and may come and go the same way. However, if you notice blood in your cat’s poop happening more than once and for long periods of time, accompanied by other changes in the behavior, it is necessary to contact the vet.

Red cat stool is a medical emergency if there is diarrhea or loose stool along with blood since it is a sign that something serious is happening. Infectious diseases such as Feline Panleukopenia or bacterial infections such as Salmonella can cause bleeding.

Needless to say, it is always better to prevent it than treat it! Don’t think twice when you see a red stool. The vet will know what is happening and what to do so your feline can keep living the best life!

White Spots In Cat Poop

If you’ve noticed white specks in your cat’s stool, the chances are that your cat is infected with intestinal parasites. This is a common problem for those cats that are outdoors from time to time or all the time. Or if you’ve adopted a cat.

The intestinal parasites found their place in the soil, so cats can quickly get in contact with them, just like the fleas that can’t wait to reach the cat’s fur.

If your cat has tapeworms, you can notice tiny grains like rice, but if the specks look like noodles, then your cat has roundworms.

Brown Cat Poop

A brown cat poop indicates that everything seems to be normal and in place, and it also means that you’re taking care of your cat in the proper way. The brown color of poop might vary based on the diet and type of food.

The texture should be pliable and firm along with the brown color, but the color should change according to the diet, so if the diet is the same, the poop color and texture should be the same.

Most shades of brown poop are entirely normal, but if you notice massive changes, you should contact a vet.

Read Also: Is A Light Brown Cat Poop A Reason For Concern?

Orange Cat Poop

Orange cat poop may indicate that your cat suffers from liver or gallbladder problems caused by the bacterial infection that started in the intestines and spread through the blood or moved to the bile duct.

But, abdominal trauma, tumors, and obstruction of the bile duct may cause those problems. The vet will probably treat it with vitamin supplements, supportive fluid treatments, or antibiotics. If the poop is even the slightest shade of orange color, you know what you need to do.

What Is The Color Of A Healthy Cat’s Poop?

the cat stands on the ground and defecates

The color of your cat’s poop is essential, but you need to pay attention to the texture as well. The brown cat poop is a healthy cat’s poop only if it has a healthy texture.

So next time you clean your cat’s litter box, take notes. Along with the cat poop color chart, it would be good if you check this guide on healthy and unhealthy cat poop:


• Uniform in color

• Firm yet pliable

• Mostly unsegmented

• Easy to scoop in the litter box


• Hard or dehydrated

• Runny or difficult to scoop

• Segmented, hard balls of poop

• Changes in color

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Consistency Of Unhealthy Poop

• Watery stool: If the poop is watery and you cannot determine the shape, meaning there is no shape to determine at all, that means that your cat has diarrhea. Cat diarrhea is caused by food intolerances, viruses, intestinal worms, or bacteria.

IBD or Inflammatory bowel disease is another thing that can cause diarrhea. Diarrhea can also indicate that your cat suffers from skin allergies triggered by food sensitivities or airborne allergens. Call the vet if diarrhea doesn’t stop in several days or accompanies other symptoms.

Read Also: How To Know When To Euthanize A Cat With IBD?

• Mushy stool: If the stool is mush but has some shape, that means the stomach of your cat is upset. This can happen due to a sudden change in food intake. If this goes on for a few days and develops other symptoms, it is crucial to go for a vet check-up.

If you notice these unhealthy factors in the cat’s poop, it is advised that you contact the vet.

Fresh blood in the poop indicates the abrasion of the colon, which is due to colitis.

Even though it sounds odd, a cat’s poop can tell you a lot, giving you overall health in many ways. If you’re concerned with a cat’s poop color, the best thing is to consult with the veterinarian.

What Does Unhealthy Cat Poop Look Like?

a woman cleans cat litter

When it comes to cleaning your cat’s litter box, it is impossible not to notice the stool. So if you see something odd, it is logical that you’ll notice it. The texture of the cat’s stool can vary from hard pebbles to watery, mushy. In general, each texture shows a different health issue.

If your cat has diarrhea, the stool will be outside the litter box, obviously watery, but if your cat has problems with constipation, the poop will be hard and dry.

Since the litter box is cleaned once or twice per day, you must notify the changes in the cat’s poop. It is good to remember the cat poop color chart, so you know how to recognize potential problems. You need to see the color and texture of your cat’s poop.

It is likely that you’ll face this issue once in your cat’s lifetime. Just keep in mind that if something strange is happening for an extended period of time, it is your wake-up call. You need to contact the vet as a responsible cat owner.

What Should You Do If You’re Worried About Cat’s Poop?

If you’re worried about your cat’s red stool, I don’t blame you; I would be too. Strange features in your cat’s poop are not something you forget and discard just like that. The cat’s stool is an indicator of your cat’s health; we cannot stress this enough.

So what you should do:

• Don’t try to be a doctor at home; don’t use home remedies to solve defecation issues. Always consult with your vet before taking any steps to help your cat, and bear in mind that the water and the cat’s food need to be clean and fresh at all times!

• If your cat has problems with constipation, it is likely that you’ll need to feed your cat with canned food, more water intake, more fiber, and more exercise.

• If blood is in your cat’s poop, there must be some sort of health issue like parasites or infections that will need medical intervention. The treatments will depend on the poop features.

• If your cat suffers from allergies or some intolerance to particular food or IBD, the cat will be put on a special diet with possible consumption of probiotics.

The best thing you can do if you’re worried about your cat’s stool is to contact the vet. The vet will do all necessary tests to form a diagnosis that will help him determine which treatments your cat requires.

Some things you can do to prevent these abnormalities in your cat’s poop:

• If you’re thinking of changing your cat’s food, do it gradually over the week than at once.

• Don’t give dairy products since most cats are intolerant.

RELATED: Feline Natural Cat Food Review

Closing Thoughts

This cat poop color chart will surely help you in the process of understanding your cat’s stool and how to differentiate good from the bad.

The cat’s stool can tell much about the digestive system and overall cat health. If you notice something is different, it probably means your cat is facing some health problems. But don’t worry; it will all be just fine as soon as you regularly do vet check-ups for kidney disease, liver diseases, etc.

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