Just like humans, some cats deal with constipation issues. This health problem is very uncomfortable for our feline friends, so, as soon as you notice it, you should do your best to help your cat.
The basic solution here is to ensure your cat is well-hydrated and to stimulate intestinal motility in it.
One of the methods you may consider in this situation is using Miralax. Miralax is an osmotic laxative whose main purpose is to draw water into the colon, stimulate it to contract, and soften the stool to help people pass it easier.
In general, Miralax is also considered safe for cats. However, it’s necessary to always consult a vet before giving this medication to your pet. Also, you should strictly follow instructions on the use and dosage.
Let’s learn more about Miralax for cats dosage and appropriate usage.
How Much Miralax Should You Give To Your Cat?
Noticing your cat straining to poop for some time is an alarm warning. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals explains that while there isn’t a specific ideal frequency for a cat’s bowel movements, most cats typically have one or two bowel movements a day.
Regular stool is an important indicator of your cat’s health. In case you notice it hasn’t pooped for a day or two in a row, you should try some ways to help your constipated cat.
These are keeping it hydrated, stimulating it to exercise, and trying some natural remedies, like canned pumpkin.
However, there’s a good chance you’ll need to use a medication such as Miralax. This is an over-the-counter medication.
It’s even possible some of you already have it in your bathroom cabinets, in case you or your family members have struggled with constipation. You can find it in drugstores as well as buy it online, including Amazon.
Before giving this medication to your cat, you should discuss the appropriate dosage with your veterinarian.
In most cases, veterinarians suggest adding ¼ to ½ teaspoon of Miralax to your cat’s food or water daily. This laxative will help your cat pass the hard stool.
Of course, the dosage can change depending on the severity of your cat’s constipation. Also, its age, general health, and weight are important factors here.
Although Miralax can be extremely helpful for your cat’s constipation issue, you should never decide on the dosage on your own.
How To Give Miralax To Your Cat?
Miralax is an odorless powder, which makes it suitable for administering to your cat. Felines have an exceptional sense of smell – since there isn’t any specific smell here, they may not even notice it in their food or water bowl.
You should add the medicine to your cat’s food or water before serving it, to make it absorb better.
The best time to give it is during the afternoon or with their last meal of the day. Don’t use any other laxatives at the same time, since this can decrease the chance of your cat passing the stool.
How Long Will It Take For Miralax To Help Your Cat?
Since every cat is unique, the time it takes for them to pass stool after consuming Miralax may vary.
Most cats will show normal bowel movements in 12-24 hours after using the medicine. However, if a cat has severe constipation, it may even take two to three days for Miralax to start working.
You should observe your pet carefully after giving it the medication. Another important thing is to consult with your veterinarian during the waiting period.
It’s possible that the vet suggests you increase the dosage – in case nothing happens for some time after the cat has consumed Miralax.
How Long Should Your Cat Use Miralax?
Miralax should only be used short-term.
Constipation issues aren’t likely to last longer than a week in cats in most cases. Some cats are more prone to this issue, which is something all cat parents should be aware of.
According to Sarah Benjamin and Kenneth Drobatz [1] older cats, obese cats, and those struggling with chronic kidney disease have an increased risk of constipation.
Still, even if your cat is prone to this condition, it shouldn’t last too long. This is why it should be enough to give Miralax to it a couple of times – not longer than a week.
If this doesn’t help and your cat seems to still be constipated, this can indicate underlying health problems.
As PetMD suggests, diseases like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and kidney disease are likely to cause severe constipation issues.
This is another reason why it’s so essential to consult your veterinarian about your cat’s problems with constipation.
What Are Potential Miralax Side Effects?

Just like any medicine, Miralax can also cause certain side effects in cats. Some of the most common ones are the following:
- Cramping
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Dehydration
- Diarrhea
The only right thing to do to avoid potential side effects is to give Miralax to your cat by your vet’s instructions.
In most instances, side effects are a result of the cat receiving a dosage higher than the recommended amount.
Should Some Cats Avoid Using Miralax?
Miralax is a safe medicine in general and isn’t likely to cause any serious side effects.
However, some cats shouldn’t use it. For instance, those who are dehydrated should avoid Miralax, since it can cause additional electrolyte abnormalities and worsen their dehydration problem.
According to Great Pet Care, cats with gastrointestinal obstruction, bowel perforation, and gastric retention also shouldn’t use Miralax.
Once again, the only way to be sure whether Miralax is a good option for your pet is by consulting your veterinarian.
Final Thoughts
Miralax is a great and quick solution to help your constipated cat. It’s safe in general, easy to get, and easy to administer, too. Also, there’s a low chance that this medication will cause severe side effects.
The basic purpose of this medicine is to draw water into a cat’s colon and help it pass the hard stool easily.
The essential thing with Miralax for cats is to administer it appropriately and not to go over the daily recommended dosage.
The general recommendation is ¼ to ½ teaspoon of Miralax daily, depending on a cat’s age and weight, as well as the severity of the constipation.
In case a few days pass and your cat isn’t relieved, you should discuss some alternatives with your veterinarian.
Bear in mind that constipation can also be a sign of underlying health problems.
[1] Benjamin SE, Drobatz KJ. Retrospective evaluation of risk factors and treatment outcome predictors in cats presenting to the emergency room for constipation. J Feline Med Surg. 2020 Feb;22(2):153-160. DOI, Retrieved January 3, 2024.