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7 Ways How To Make A Cat Poop When Constipated

7 Ways How To Make A Cat Poop When Constipated

Constipation can be very unpleasant for our furry friends.

What does this condition even look like in felines? To put it simply: It means your cat passes feces less often, or in far smaller amounts than she normally does. Some cats might not even poop at all for several days.

This can get to be painful for cats, especially if you don’t notice it right away. Some additional symptoms that might occur are vomiting, lack of appetite, and even yowling while trying to poop.

Any cat – no matter the breed, age, or health status – can have problems with constipation.

So, it would be very useful for you to know how to make a cat poop when constipated.

Let’s take a look at 7 ways to do it.

1. Increase The Water Intake

Cat drinks clean water from water dispenser.

The first thing you should do is to give your cat more fluids.

Since many felines won’t drink water voluntarily, we can fix this by giving them wet food. With the help of automatic cat feeders, you can even feed your cat wet food while you’re away from home.

Of course, you should provide your cat with fresh water at all times. Many cats will find moving water more appealing than the water in their bowls.

This is why a water fountain would be a good idea! Increased water intake will help your constipated cat poop and relieve herself.

2. Try Natural Remedies

Vegetable caviar from pumpkin and zucchini.

Canned pumpkin is high in fiber, and many cats will enjoy this taste. You can add some of this to your cat’s standard meal.

Ground flaxseed is another natural remedy that can help cats with constipation problems. 

These seeds will increase the fiber in your cat’s diet. You should mix a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds with your cat’s wet food.

3. Make Your Cat Exercise

cat playing have fun in the room

Dog owners know how important regular exercise is for their pets. But, many cat parents I’ve talked to consider how exercise is not so essential for kittens.

Actually, they think that most cats are couch potatoes who prefer to sleep and do nothing all day long. 

This is really wrong! As Kimberly Burke explains, cats need exercise as a part of both their play and mental stimulation.

But, exercise can also help cats with weight loss and with the normal movement of intestines. Therefore, cats that exercise regularly are less likely to be constipated.

4. Relieve Your Cat’s Anxiety

A shorthair tabby cat with a wide-eyed expression and dilated pupils

Cats can get anxious and stressed, which can lead to behavioral changes in them, and even in body responses – such as constipation.

Judi Stella and her associates [1] point out how many things can cause stress and anxiety in felines, such as loud or unfamiliar noises, new places and objects, sudden movement, or the approach of strangers – humans or animals – into their personal space.

Sometimes it might seem that your cat is anxious or afraid of something you can’t see, but, there must be a trigger for this behavior.

You should try to find out what could stress your cat so much that she’s having problems with her digestion.

You can also try using calming pheromones to relieve your cat’s anxiety.

5. Give Her Laxatives

Woman hand with a pill in front of a black cat

Laxatives can also be used for treating a cat’s constipation.

But, you should first consult your vet on this medicine for your constipated cat. This might work if your cat only has mild constipation issues.

The purpose of laxatives is to pull more water into the cat’s intestines, which should soften her stool, making it easier for her to defecate.

Kingsdale Animal Hospital suggests using lubricant laxatives, which should be used only as a short-term option, and in cases of mild constipation.

Another option is osmotic laxatives, which are considered safer for long-term use. In the case of severe constipation, you can give your cat stimulant laxatives, which will increase the contraction of her colonic muscles and her stool movement.

6. Keep The Litter Box Clean

Woman cleaning cat litter tray at home

We all know how clean felines are. Some might refuse to eat if their food bowls aren’t perfectly clean or if there are leftovers from the previous meal in them.

I mean, you know how much of their time they spend grooming themselves! Obviously, these animals love to feel fresh and neat.

Well, the same goes with the litter box; If it isn’t super clean, a cat might not poop in it. Also, if you have two cats in your household, you could think that one litter box is enough for them.

No, it isn’t. Two cats shouldn’t share the same litter box – this can lead to aggression between them, and even them refusing to poop.

Make sure the area of your cat’s litter box is always clean to prevent problems with pooping.

7. Call Your Veterinarian

Cropped image of beautiful female doctor veterinarian with stethoscope is examining cute grey cat at vet clinic.

You might think that your cat is just constipated, but there could also be some other health issues involved, such as kidney disease or megacolon, which is, according to VCA Animal Hospitals, a condition where a cat has enlarged color – with a diameter of three to four times that of a normal cat.

If this is the first time you noticed these symptoms in your cat, you should definitely consult your veterinarian.

He will conduct the physical exam and run some tests if he finds it necessary.

It’s essential that you explain when you started noticing the constipation signs in your cat, and whether there are any additional symptoms.

If you have already seen this problem in your cat, you can still call your vet before you undertake any other ways of dealing with constipation.


Constipation is a very uncomfortable and even painful condition for cats.

Luckily, there are ways to make a cat poop when constipated. Using natural remedies, increasing the water intake, and making sure your cat is exercising regularly can be very helpful, especially in the cases of mild constipation.

Still, I advise you to always consult your veterinarian about the best way to treat this or any other condition in your cat.

Most cats will recover from constipation pretty soon, but, in some cases, this symptom can be related to more serious health issues.

Never hesitate to share your doubts and thoughts with your veterinarian. This is the best way to preserve your pet’s health!


[1] Stella J, Croney C, Buffington T. Effects of stressors on the behavior and physiology of domestic cats. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 2013 Jan 31;143(2-4):157-163. DOI, Retrieved May 24, 2023.

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