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What’s The Story Behind The Fat Tuxedo Cats?

What’s The Story Behind The Fat Tuxedo Cats?

Tuxedo cats truly have a unique look.

Their heads, backs, sides, tail, and legs are mostly black, while their chest, belly, and paws are white. In some cases, even the tip of the tail of these cats is white.

The paws of these cats, which look like gloves, are especially charming!

The appearance of these cats is also responsible for their name since they look like they are wearing a tuxedo. So, the tuxedo does not represent a special breed, but only a specific look present in these cats.

This cat’s unique appearance makes them very popular and wanted these days. But, what’s the deal with their weight? Are all tuxedo cats fat? Are these felines genetically predisposed to be overweight?

Let’s take a deeper look at this issue.

Are All Tuxedo Cats Fat?

SprucePets explains how the tuxedo coat pattern can be seen in many breeds, such as the American Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Scottish Fold, etc.

So, a tuxedo cat is not a specific breed, which means that it’s hard to tell anything in general about these felines. 

Are all tuxedo cats fat? No, of course not. The truth is that these cats might seem to be a bit chubbier, but this isn’t about their tuxedo coat.

Many of them will have a specific body type, with a stockier build, rounder belly, and shorter legs – making them look a bit fat, even though they are at an ideal weight.

There isn’t any scientific evidence to support the claim about fat tuxedo cats. Still, these cats can be overweight due to following factors:

1. The Breed

fat tuxedo cat sitting on a fence

According to Malin Öhlund and his associates [1], the prevalence of overweight cats ranges from 7 to 63% in different populations.

It seems that obesity has something to do with the breed, too. St Vital Veterinary Hospital points out how obesity is a common problem with the following breeds:

• American Shorthair

• Birman

• British Shorthair

• Domestic Shorthair

• Exotic Shorthair

• Manx

• Ragamuffin

• Persian

Of course, this higher tendency to obesity doesn’t necessarily mean that each of these cats will have weight problems – their environment and the way their owners treat them are also very important here.

2. Feeding Habits

Obviously, overeating is one of the main reasons why a tuxedo cat would get fat. Perhaps you’re leaving food available to your cat all the time.

This is really a bad idea, since your cat will feel like she doesn’t have any boundaries and that she can eat as much as she wants.

Some cats that have free access to the outside might also get food from other places, such as from hunting, or from kind neighbors that just love to give a tasty bite to your kitten. In the long term, this can lead to obesity problems in your cat.

Also, giving your cat treats too often isn’t recommended, especially human treats high in sugar and fat, such as jello or cheesecake.

Don’t think that you’re making your cat happy by sharing some of your food with her. You should put her well-being as priority number one, and do your best to develop healthy feeding habits for her.

3. Exercise Amounts

tuxedo cat exercising and playing with a toy

Do cats even need exercise?

Oh yes, they need it, regardless of their breed! Of course, you aren’t supposed to walk your cat like a dog or go running with her daily.

But, physical activity is crucial to keep your tuxedo kitten at optimal weight. 

You should provide her with enough room to jump and run around, as well as with cat trees, scratching posts, and some interesting interactive toys.

4. Medications

Some tuxedo cats will struggle with certain health problems, which will require them to use medications – in some cases for the rest of their lives.

Diamond Pet explains how medications can also lead to weight gain in felines. For example, if a cat uses steroids for a longer period of time, this can cause her to want to eat more.

So, veterinarians prescribe drugs intending to help your cat’s condition, but, in some cases, they might contribute to feline obesity.

How To Tell Whether Your Tuxedo Cat Is Fat?

beautiful fat tuxedo cat standing in front of flowers

The first thing you can do is to look out for the optimal weight for your cat. For example, the Maine Coon growth chart indicates that these cats are supposed to weigh between 11-25 pounds.

If your cat significantly deviates from this range, it is clear that she has an obesity problem.

There is also another way of checking your tuxedo cat’s body condition score. 

As Harmony Animal Hospital suggests, if you can easily feel your cat’s ribs, and if there’s no fat covering, your pet has an ideal weight. 

On the other hand, if your cat’s ribs are difficult to feel, there’s rounding of the belly, as well as massive fat deposits over her spine, chest, and base of the tail – your tuxedo cat is too heavy.


fat tuxedo cat standing in the leaf and look towards something

All are tuxedo cats fat? They might look obese, since their stockier build makes them look chubby, but, in general, it can’t be said that all tuxedo cats are overweight.

However, some of them might be, due to factors such as genetic predispositions, overfeeding, medications use, lack of exercise, etc.

Since tuxedo is not a specific breed of cat, it’s impossible to say what’s the ideal weight for these felines. You should get to know the breed standard of your cat, and follow its weight recommendation.

To keep your tuxedo cat at a healthy weight, you should provide her with regular meals, but without allowing free access to food throughout the entire day for her.

You should also be careful not to exaggerate with treats, especially with human food. Also, all tuxedo cats should be stimulated physically to maintain healthy body weight.

If you have any additional doubts about your tuxedo cat’s weight or any other worries related to her health, please contact your veterinarian.


[1] Öhlund M, Palmgren M, Holst BS. Overweight in adult cats: a cross-sectional study. Acta Vet Scand. 2018 Jan 19;60(1):5. DOI, Retrieved June 06, 2023.

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