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Can Cats Drink Coconut Water, Or Is It Dangerous For Them?

Can Cats Drink Coconut Water, Or Is It Dangerous For Them?

Coconut is a popular tropical fruit that people enjoy. Coconut water is the liquid inside this fruit. 

Perhaps some of your cats will eventually try this water.

Your cat may not normally be a big fan of water, so you may be surprised by the fact that she is willing to drink coconut water. 

Maybe she just noticed you enjoy this tasty treat, and now she wants to find out what’s good about it. It is also possible that it is just as tasty to our cats as it is to us!

However, some foods are completely safe and desirable for humans, while being the complete opposite for cats.

Can cats drink coconut water? Below we explain whether it is safe for cats, or if there are some hidden dangers.

Is Coconut Water Safe For Cats?

coconut water

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture,  one cup of coconut water has the following ingredients:

• 44 calories

• 64 mg of Sodium

• 9.6 g of sugar

• 10.4 g of carbohydrates 

• 24.3 mg of Vitamin C

• 0.5 g of protein

• 404 mg of potassium

In general, coconut water is considered safe for felines. It has vitamins and minerals that are good for cats, such as potassium.

Some cats might dislike regular water, but will like coconut water, and this can help them stay hydrated.

The video below shows a cat drinking coconut water. Seems like she really likes it!

Some other drinks, like orange juice, are not recommended for cats. Not only do they have a high sugar content that is likely to cause an upset stomach in a cat – they are also considered toxic for felines.

However, although coconut water is a safer option, you still shouldn’t let your cat drink it regularly. After all, our furry friends are obligate carnivores and thrive on a meat-based diet. 

Furthermore, although it’s generally considered safe, coconut water still can cause certain issues in cats.

What Are The Potential Risks Of Cats Drinking Coconut Water?

Funny cute cat smelling and tasting coconut with metal straw in hand

Coconut water isn’t toxic for cats, but, still, there are some potential risks of your cat drinking this fluid.

Let’s see why you should be careful with giving this water to your pet.

1. Digestive Problems

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals explains that neither coconut nor coconut-based products aren’t likely to cause serious harm to cats, especially when given in smaller amounts.

However, coconut water still can cause loose stools, diarrhea, or stomach upset in cats.

As mentioned before, cats thrive on meat-based diets, and don’t actually need fruits and vegetables in the same way people do.

Since they don’t need them to survive, they might also be unable to digest these foods properly, causing them to have digestive issues.

You should know that all cats are different, so, some might be perfectly fine with having a bit of coconut water occasionally, while some will suffer from an upset stomach.

2. Too Much Sugar

Commercial coconut water usually contains sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Sugar is a big no for felines. Of course, coconut water isn’t as high in sugar as some other human treats, such as cheesecake, and isn’t likely to cause any long-term consequences in your cat, but, still, why risk it, right?

If you notice your cat really enjoying the coconut water, you might even think about giving it to her regularly.

This really wouldn’t be a good idea. This way, you’re risking your cat becoming obese. 

Not only does obesity decrease your cat’s quality of life, but it is also connected with health conditions such as respiratory disease, skin disorders, and lower urinary tract disease, according to Malin Öhlund and his associates [1].

3. High Potassium Content

Coconut water has a high potassium content. Potassium is an essential electrolyte in the cat’s blood that helps regulate her heart function, nerve impulses, and muscle contractions.

However, a cat shouldn’t have too much potassium in her system. PetMD explains how a higher concentration of potassium in the cat’s blood is called hyperkalemia.

This condition greatly affects the cat’s heart ability to function normally. Common symptoms of high potassium levels in cats are weakness, flaccid paralysis, and arrhythmias.

The Bottom Line

Fresh Coconut Water in a Glass

Can cats drink coconut water?

This water is generally considered safe for them. By safe – I mean not toxic – but, it’s still not recommended to give your pets this water.

You especially shouldn’t give your cat coconut water regularly. This can lead to digestive issues in her, as well as obesity, and high potassium levels in her blood.

If you’re worried your cat is not drinking enough water, a better idea than coconut water would be to give her more wet food.

Still, a sip of coconut water once and then isn’t likely to seriously harm your furry friend.

In any case, I recommend you always consult a veterinarian before giving your cat any kind of food or drink that isn’t a normal part of her diet. And, of course, please never let your cat have any unusual food or treats without your supervision!


[1] Öhlund M, Palmgren M, Holst BS. Overweight in adult cats: a cross-sectional study. Acta Vet Scand. 2018 Jan 19;60(1):5. DOI, Retrieved June 26, 2023.

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