Cats don’t feel the same about intercourse as we do, so pleasure is not the reason for homosexual behavior. Also, cats don’t have a concept of sexual orientation.So, homosexuality doesn’t really exist in cats.
Some of them might show homosexual drive due to frustration. If a male that’s ready for mating can’t find a female in heat, he might become frustrated and will be ready to mount even a male cat!
Your cat sharing some love with the same-sex cat isn’t necessarily a sign of homosexual behavior. This could be a form of playing for two kittens, a way of releasing stress, or even an attempt to show dominance.
Cat’s Sexual Behavior Might Be Misinterpreted Sometimes
Homosexuality is common among animals, and many of them even solve conflicts by practicing same-gender sex. Some of the animals that display same-sex behavior are dwarf chimpanzees, sheep, and dolphins.
What Does Science Say About Homosexuality In Animals?