You might be keeping the water in the warmest of rooms, closer to a radiator, and your kitty sits there to get warm. If you keep your cat’s water bowl on a shelf, then she might simply enjoy the cozy shelf spot.
If you think your kitty has been sitting by the water bowl most of the day you should check if she's dehydrated. Dehydration happens when your kitty losses fluids like water and also essential minerals like chloride, sodium, and potassium.
High consumption of water by cats could be connected to dehydration, but it could also be the symptom of a medical condition, such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or hyperthyroidism.
As our cats grow older they can even develop some diseases that cause extreme thirst in them. Your kitty might end up going over and over to the water bowl because they wander around aimlessly, or because they are too tired to move.