Why Does My Cat Watch Me Shower? 8 Reasons

Why Does My Cat Watch Me Shower? 8 Reasons


1. A Curious Cat

Water running and making a bathroom cozy and humid might be attractive for cats.   Since you probably close the bathroom dog while showering, your cat instantly wants to know what is this mystery about.

2. Place Of Your Cat's Litterbox

Many people keep their cats' litterbox in the bathroom.   Some cats might want to defecate in full privacy, so, they might watch you while you shower and wait for you to finish. After that, they will be ready to do their business!

3. A Place To Hide

Many cats will hide in bathrooms - maybe they will watch you shower to show you that they are under stress, scared of something, or in some kind of pain.

4. Attention Seeking

Many cats will hide in bathrooms - maybe they will watch you shower to show you that they are under stress, scared of something, or in some kind of pain.

5. You Might Have Encouraged This Behavior

Perhaps your cat watches you shower to get your attention. If you don't do anything to stop this, she will figure out this is an acceptable behavior, and will continue doing it.

6. A Cat Might Like Running Water

Some cats will simply enjoy watching water running, and some might even want to drink the water, or bathe in it.

7. Exploring

You showering might be a perfect time for your cat to explore bathroom, and to smell some areas she is not usually allowed!

8. A Part Of Cat's Routine

Your cat is probably used to get a meal and have fun time with you after you finish showering. This is why she is probably watching you shower - she can't wait for you to be done!

How To Stop This Behavior?

1. Close your bathroom         door 2. Ignore your cat's         signals she is unhappy     about closed door 3. Redirect your cat's         attention to food, for         example