If you’ve recently adopted your dog, then this is definitely a major change that can make your cat misbehave, and peeing on your dog’s bed can be one of the signs that they’re not dealing with this change all too well.
Perhaps your kitty has been noticing that they don’t get as much love and affection from you lately and the only way they can get your attention is by peeing on the dog bed.
Peeing outside of the litter box goes against the feline instinct of burying their eliminations, that’s why you need to take your kitty for a veterinary checkup.
Remember to spend some alone time with them by leaving your dog outside the room, pet and talk to them throughout the day, and don’t forget to include lots of cuddles!
You can use an enzymatic cleaner that can break up a urine stain through a chemical reaction, and, most importantly, it can break down the acid in your cat’s urine and neutralize the bacteria.