How Many Toes Does A Cat Have On Each Paw?

How Many Toes Does A Cat Have On Each Paw?

Cats should have 18 toes; 5 on each front paw and 4 on each hind paw.

Why Are Toes Important For Cats?

Cats use their front paws and toes to touch something, grab or push the toy or to clean themselves.  Their back paws and toes are there to help them while running around and jumping on high surfaces.

How Many Toes Does A Polydactyl Cat Have?

If your cat has more than 18 toes, she is a polydactyl cat.  This is nothing something abnormal, or something you should worry about.

How Does A Cat Become Polydactyl?

This has to do with genetics.  Polydactyl cats can be seen all over the world, but they’re mostly seen in Canada and the east coast in North America.   There is no need for a special care with these cats; just make sure to trim their nails regularly.