Do Cats like To Be Chased  - Everything You Need To Know

Do Cats like To Be Chased  - Everything You Need To Know

Do Cats Like To Be Chased?

Before I say yes, I want to stress that while there are cats that enjoy being chased by their owners, there are also those who don’t.

Why Do Some Cats Like To Be Chased?

Play is highly influenced by biological factors, social context, and stimuli features. This might be more evident in kittens.

Should You Chase Your Cat?

If you’re a new owner and your relationship with your cat is still new the game of chase shouldn’t be taken lightly. You could easily scare your cat.

When To Stop Chasing Your Cat?

A cat’s tail can tell you a lot about what they’re feeling, and if you notice them whipping it back and forth, then they might be agitated and anxious.

Is It Okay To Play Chase With A Kitten?

While playing chase and tag with your kitten might be perfect, it’s important to set the right foundations in all forms of play to minimize any aggression.