When a kitten is just born, she will have no teeth. The first teeth that a cat gain are baby teeth, and they will usually start appearing when the cat is around 2 weeks old.
For the next couple months, a cat will start getting her permanent teeth. A 7-months old will have a total of 30 permanent teeth: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 10 premolars, and 4 molars.
If your cat has yellowing on one or more of her teeth, she is likely an older adult – probably around 5 years or even older. Cats between 5 and 10 years of age might also struggle with dental disease.
A missing tooth (or more than just one) usually indicates that a cat is older than 10 years. It is common for older cats to have tartar buildup, a dental disease, or missing teeth.
Dental health is crucial for a cat’s overall health, since bacteria from cat’s teeth and oral cavity might spread to cat’s kidneys, liver, and even heart, causing more severe health problems.