If your feline companion is spayed/neutered, and urine marking doesn’t apply to them then the first thing you need to figure out is if this behavior is caused by a medical problem. One of the most common problems is the inflammation of the urinary tract.
Spraying is a common behavior of an unneutered cat. Your cat might use the marking technique to communicate to other cats that the whole bathroom or even the bathmat is theirs. It can be a natural reaction to a newly adopted kitty.
Cats might show this behavioral problem due to a change - when something in cats' environment changes it can easily lead to stress, and urine marking is often times associated with stress in cats.
A good and positive litter box environment improves the well-being of a cat. So, when your cat is doing their private business on your bathroom rug, they could be protesting against the state of their toilet.
If you’ve eliminated all of the above reasons, it’s also possible that your kitty is drawn to the bathroom rug because they like how it smells!